Track of Firecrown Wrapper developement which will be integrated to the LSST TD Pipeline
The Firecrown wrapper is a standalone unit which can be run to link any given Supernova input data files to Cosmosis for dark energy parameter estimation via firecrown likelihood module.
The LSST Rubin DESC data files have transitioned to
a new file format known as sacc
[1]. This modification necessitated the
introduction of the Firecrown wrapper. The wrapper aids in the conversion
of Supernova (SN) data files to the sacc format. Once transformed,
these files can be processed by the Firecrown likelihood module, which
subsequently feeds them into Cosmosis for DE parameter estimation and
post processing for generating plots.
SN Hubble Diagram (HD) + Covariance Matrix [Input] --> Single sacc
file --> Firecrown Likelihood --> Cosmosis --> DE Parameter estimation +
Plots [Output]
Mandatory : Input file path to HD and covariance matrix, Name of HD file and covariance matrix file, cosmosis input
Assumption : HD and covariance matrix files are in the same folder.
Additional optional attributes can be seen via the help command as :
$SNANA_DEBUG/submit_batch_firecrown/NEW_AYAN_DEBUG-3/dist/Firecrown_wrapper_example-2 --help
The wrapper can be used as :
(a) a standalone unit for submitting batch job in Perlmutter or,
(b) can also be used with SNANA/DESC
TD pipeline software's function :
submitting batch job(s).
(a) To simply run the code as a batch job in perlmutter the following example job script can be used as a template :
#SBATCH -A m1727
#SBATCH -C cpu
#SBATCH --qos=debug
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --error=perl_firecrown-%j.err
#SBATCH -o perl_firecrown.log
#SBATCH -J Firecrown
#Example 1
# Syntax : srun -u -n ${NUM_PROCESSES} --cpus-per-task ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} $SNANA_DEBUG/submit_batch_firecrown/NEW_AYAN_DEBUG-3/dist/Firecrown_wrapper_example-2 [Input/Folder/HD/covariance/matrix] [HD.txt] [cov.txt] [cosmosis.ini]
srun -u -n ${NUM_PROCESSES} --cpus-per-task ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} $SNANA_DEBUG/submit_batch_firecrown/NEW_AYAN_DEBUG-3/dist/Firecrown_wrapper_example-2 $HOME/Analysis/7_CREATE_COV/LSST_BINNED_COV_BBC_SIMDATA_PHOTOZ_1/output hubble_diagram.txt covsys_000.txt.gz sn_only.ini --summary $PWD/FIRECROWN_OUTPUT/SUMMARY.YAML -O $PWD/FIRECROWN_OUTPUT/
# ## End of file
Save the above code in a file
and then from perlmutter terminal submit the job as : sbatch
Notes : qos =
can be changed toregular
and time can be modified accordingly (as of now Perlmutter's maximum time limit is 12 hours). The outputs will be stored in$PWD/FIRECROWN_OUTPUT/
. cosmosis input file shown here issn_only.ini
, consult cosmosis manual for more information.(b) To run with
a separate Input yaml file is needed suitable
. An example of a test.yaml is below :BATCH_INFO: sbatch $SBATCH_TEMPLATES/SBATCH_Perlmutter.TEMPLATE 25 JOBNAME: srun -n 2 $SNANA_DEBUG/submit_batch_firecrown/NEW_AYAN_DEBUG-3/dist/Firecrown_wrapper_example-2 BATCH_WALLTIME: "12:00:00" FIRECROWN_INPUT_FILE: /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/groups/TD/SN/SNANA/SURVEYS/LSST/ROOT/starterKits/firecrown+submit_batch_jobs/Cosmosis_Input_Scripts/sn_planck.ini ENV_REQUIRE: FIRECROWN_DIR FIRECROWN_EXAMPLES_DIR CSL_DIR OUTDIR: output_firecrown_sn_cmb WFITAVG: #- LSST_BINNED_COV_BBC_SIMDATA_SPECZ - LSST_BINNED_COV_BBC_SIMDATA_PHOTOZ COVOPT: ALL NOSYS INPDIR: - /pscratch/sd/d/desctd/PIPPIN_OUTPUT/PLASTICC_COMBINED_PUBLISHED/7_CREATE_COV/LSST_BINNED_COV_BBC_SIMDATA_PHOTOZ_1/output - /pscratch/sd/d/desctd/PIPPIN_OUTPUT/PLASTICC_COMBINED_PUBLISHED/7_CREATE_COV/LSST_BINNED_COV_BBC_SIMDATA_PHOTOZ_2/output ##END_YAML
Launch the job : test.yaml
Each successful output will produce the following three sub folders in the desired location :
Contains the output chain files (name as written in input
file) and INPUT.INFO
file which logs all input
(2) ERROR_LOGS contains the error and log files of each stages. Also contains files recording the time taken in each stages.
(3) PLOTS contains the results of the analysis from the chain files i.e. plots and parameter estimation summary files.
(4) Summary Yaml file : summarizes the outcomes of each stages : Fail or Successful. Also lists the main cosmological results (some fields are still under construction).
"Pratima Visarjan", Gaganendranath Tagore, Watercolour on Paper, circa 1915.