This guide has the necessary steps that you can to take to setup all the tools and utilities required for this project.
Problem Statement
A supermarket has as many as 4 floors, a customer can shop in either 1 or all the floors.
The data for this will be stored into a MySQL
database in a simple customer
A customer
table has columns
which has basic details of the customer, and purchase amount of each floor.
The goal is to create and deploy a storm topology which reads any new transaction carried out in MySQL
database through kafka topic
by pre-defined KafkaSpout
Read all the transaction on each floor, Log a message on the console about the total amount a customer has to pay. If he is a star member, he gets 15% discount on total purchase.
table has is_star
column as boolean
to signify the membership.
Also, save the data into flux
Robert is a star member, final purchase amount is $1872.
Now, when a new record gets inserted into the customer
table, Storm should be able to emit
the purchase message as above.
Kafka Spout Configuration
Config stormConfig = new Config();
stormConfig.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING, 1);
String zkConnString = "localhost:2181";
String topic = "kafkatopic-customer";
BrokerHosts hosts = new ZkHosts(zkConnString);
SpoutConfig kafkaSpoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(hosts, topic, "/" + topic,
final TopologyBuilder topologyBuilder = new TopologyBuilder();
topologyBuilder.setSpout("kafka-spout", new KafkaSpout(kafkaSpoutConfig), 1);
The kafkatopic-customer
is a Kafka topic where new messages will be written whenever there is an update to MySQL
The simplest way is to have MySQL
table created already and connect it via KafkaConnect
using Confluent
Install MySQL using
$ brew install mysql@5.7
Start the mysql service
service mysql@5.7 start
will be installed with a single user root
with NO password.
Also, make sure the mysql\bin
exists in System's PATH
Run the secure installation and set the password of the user root
$ mysql_secure_installation
Login to mysql
$ mysql -u root -p
To Create the Database
mysql> CREATE DATABASE customerdb;
mysql> USE customerdb;
Load Queries into db from files
$ mysql -u root -p customerdb < customer.sql
You can find customer.sql
in the nrt-onboard/resources/
OR Execute the below Query
CREATE TABLE `customer` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`is_star` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
`fullname` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL,
`firstname` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`lastname` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`city` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`state` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`floor1` double DEFAULT NULL,
`floor2` double DEFAULT NULL,
`floor3` double DEFAULT NULL,
`floor4` double DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
INSERT INTO `customer` (`id`, `is_star`, `fullname`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `city`, `state`, `floor1`, `floor2`, `floor3`, `floor4`) VALUES
('11', '1', 'Sade Morgan', 'Sade', 'Morgan', 'Mont', 'Bolivia', '558', '737', '1752', '1569'),
('12', '0', 'Edan . Cabrera', 'Edan', 'Cabrera', 'Bareilly', 'Burundi', '1162', '1860', '1821', '2526'),
('13', '1', 'Anika X. Cantu', 'Anika X.', 'Cantu', 'Rutten', 'Iceland', '1756', '2282', '272', '3007'),
('14', '1', 'Isaiah F. Cochran', 'Isaiah F.', 'Cochran', 'Ladispoli', 'Andorra', '3416', '5148', '1318', '3124'),
('15', '1', 'Ian Barnett', 'Reuben', 'Ian Barnett', 'Reuben', 'Tuvalu', '88', '370', '1885', '3347'),
('16', '1', 'Autumn Camacho', 'Autumn', 'Camacho', 'Patan', 'Turks and Caicos Islands', '3363', '1139', '1178', '123'),
('17', '0', 'Leroy Q. Griffin', 'Leroy Q.', 'Griffin', 'Mobile', 'Burundi', '3475', '5220', '934', '3417'),
('18', '0', 'Macy Grant', 'Myles', 'Macy Grant', 'Myles', 'Cameroon', '939', '5427', '418', '803'),
('19', '0', 'Ann L. Walters', 'Heidi', 'Ann L. Walters', 'Heidi', 'New Caledonia', '2790', '3386', '1679', '1393'),
('20', '0', 'Tara Juarez', 'Lee', 'Tara Juarez', 'Lee', 'Indonesia', '1192', '4240', '1437', '1841');
is a tool that start Kafka
and zookeeper
services instantly and helps you minimising the steps required to connect a datasource e.g MySQL
with KafkaConnect
can be used instead of manually installing and setting up each packages.
Download the latest binary distribution of confluent
Extract the tar.gz file in your home directory and rename it simply as confluent
$ tar xf confluent-5.2.1-2.12.tar.gz
To start the Confluent Platform use
$ cd ~/confluent
$ ./bin/confluent local start
This CLI is intended for development only, not for production
Using CONFLUENT_CURRENT: /tmp/confluent.5j9IM8Vb
Starting zookeeper
zookeeper is [UP]
Starting kafka
kafka is [UP]
Starting schema-registry
schema-registry is [UP]
Starting kafka-rest
kafka-rest is [UP]
Starting connect
connect is [UP]
Starting ksql-server
ksql-server is [UP]
Starting control-center
control-center is [UP]
In order for confluent to connect to MySQL
it would require MySQL Connector JAR
Download this tar.gz and place the mysql-connector-java-*.*.**.jar
in share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc
You can also use mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar
present in project's resources
Create a JSON Configuration file.
Create a configuration file mysql_kafka_connect_conf.json
in your home
"name": "jdbc_mysql_kafka_connect",
"config": {
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector",
"key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"key.converter.schema.registry.url": "http://localhost:8081",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"value.converter.schema.registry.url": "http://localhost:8081",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": "false",
"connection.url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/customerdb?user=root&password=<YourPassword>",
"table.whitelist": "customer",
"mode": "timestamp",
"validate.non.null": "false",
"topic.prefix": "kafkatopic-"
Run the below command to load the configuration as per the MySQL
$ ./bin/confluent load jdbc_mysql_kafka_connect -d /Users/<your_id>/jdbc_mysql_kafka_connect_conf.json
Use this command to check the status if the it is able to establish a connection with kafka-connect
$ ./bin/confluent status jdbc_mysql_kafka_connect
A topic
will be created instantly with mentioned prefix
in JSON file.
If the above command shows status as RUNNING
, a topic would would have been created.
$ ./bin/kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
The above commands lists the kafka topics
that have been created
should be be a listed topic
Alternatively Go to : http://localhost:9021/
UI to see if the topic is listed out there.
To read the message from Kafka
topic, use the kafka-console-consumer
./bin/kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--property schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081 \
--property print.key=true \
--from-beginning \
--topic kafkatopic-customer
You will instantly be able to see the records which has been inserted already into the database.
Try adding one more row
to the customer
table, you will instantly be able to see the updates in the terminal encoded
format, as we are using a JSON serialiser to write output to Kafka topic org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter
More information regarding confluent MySQL can be found here
- Create a data folder
In the home directory, created a folder/data
, where we will be storing data for all the frameworks.
for storm, say create a subfolder/storm
We can create the same for zookeeper and Kafka , if want to store processing files.
Since, confluent
runs zookeeper
and kafka
service from confluent directory we may choose not to create it
and Kafka
both needs zookeeper
for synchronisation service.
So, in order to setup local cluster of storm and Kafka we must have zookeeper
installed up and running.
If you have started zookeeper
via confluent
me may skip the manual install and run process of zookeeper.
Storm comes loaded with sample examples of topology; you can find these in the storm/examples/
We will be creating a maven build on storm-starter
storm-starter is a very basic topology to help you understand how topology is created and deployed.
- Import the
folder, (Project SDK should use jdk 1.7-1.8) - Remove the
, as this will enable to compile dependency on build. Change it to<scope>compile</scope>
Use "provided" scope to keep storm out of the jar-with-dependencies
For IntelliJ dev, intellij will load properly.
- Run any Topology Main Class e.g WordCountTopology
- To deploy it on the real single storm cluster,
Change the scope to
runmvn clean install
directory copy theJAR
To Deploy topology in Local Cluster
$ storm jar <jarname> <package.topology-classname> simple-topology-identifier
Download the latest binary distribution of zookeeper
e.g. zookeeper-3.4.14.tar.gz
- Unzip it to your home folder e.g.
through MacOS default extract utility or you may use relevant command line tools to extract. - Rename the folder to
- Create a new file in
folder aszoo.cfg
and paste in the below configuration.
tickTime = 2000
clientPort = 2181
initLimit = 5
syncLimit = 2
- provide the data directory for zookeeper which you created at start.
- Open up a terminal, navigate to zookeeper folder using
$ cd ~
$ cd zookeeper
$ bin/ start &
This will start zookeeper server, open up a new terminal, navigate to zookeeper folder again, and start zookeeper client by\
$ bin/ start &
Let the Terminal open and service up and running.
Download the latest binary distribution of storm
- Unzip it to your home folder e.g.
through MacOS default extract utility or you may use relevant command line tools to extract.\ - Rename the folder to
\ - Edit already existing file in
and paste in the below configuration.
- "localhost"
storm.local.dir: "/Users/ak054561/data/storm" "localhost"
- 6700
- 6701
- 6702
- 6703
- Provide the data directory for storm which you created at start.
- Open up a terminal, navigate to storm folder by
$ cd ~
$ cd storm
$ bin/storm nimbus &
This will start nimbus on the localhost.
$ bin/storm supervisor &
This will start supervisor on the localhost.
$ bin/storm ui &
This will start Storm UI on port 8080
Let the Terminal open and service up and running.
Open up http://localhost:8080 in web browser to check if storm UI is up and running.
storm (Unix executable) is used to deploy topology and start storm services.
We may want to set the location of the storm executable in the PATH
variables, so that it can be accessed from everywhere.
To do this edit the path file @ /etc/paths
$ sudo vi /etc/paths
Add a line below for storm/bin
full path as shown.
Now, to deploy storm topology, you can simply use
$ storm jar <jarname> <package.topology-classname> simple-topology-identifier
Apache Kafka also uses zookeeper server for synchronisation service.
So we must be sure we have already installed and running zookeeper service before.
If you have started the confluent
Kafka will already be running and using the zookeeper
which confluent starts.
Hence, we may want to skip this step as well.
Download the latest binary distribution of kafka
- Unzip it to your home folder e.g.
through MacOS default extract utility or you may use relevant command line tools to extract. - Rename the folder to
- Edit already existing file in
and make sure below is existing in properties file. (If already existing, ignore.)
- Edit
file inkafka/conf/
directory and set
- Open up a new terminal, navigate to kafka folder with
$ cd ~
$ cd kafka
$ bin/ -daemon config/
- Open up a new terminal, navigate to kafka folder and create a
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test-topic --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1
- Produce a message.
Open up a new terminal, navigate to kafka folder and produce a message on topic
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test-topic
- Consume a message.
Open up a new terminal, navigate to kafka folder and consume a message on topic from beginning
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test-topic --from-beginning
If you were able to follow instruction till here, and you have a working zookeeper, storm and kafka running.
You are good to go with storm-kafka onboarding project.
Import the Project into IntelliJ.
Maven dependency
has already been added, scope of the pom.xml
is set to compile
Perform code changes, submit the JAR
to storm cluster.
Get all the required evidences.