Pirates vs Ninjas Tic Tac Toe
How to Start: In the terminal, navigate to the tic_tac_toe_game base folder. Enter the below commands into the terminal: $ lein cljsbuild once $ lein run Wait for the server start message. Should look something like: "Started server on localhost:9009" Open Chrome webbrowser Enter the url: "localhost:9009/game.html" (port number may change: use the port from the start message)
Developer Notes:
Running with Figwheel: In first terminal tab, navigate to the tic_tac_toe_game base folder. Enter the below command. $ lein run Wait for the server start message. Should look something like: "Started server on localhost:9009" In second terminal tab, navigate to the tic_tac_toe_game base folder. Enter the below command. $ lein do clean, figwheel; Wait for the prompt to appear. Should look something like: "cljs.user=>" Open Chrome webbrowser Enter the url: "localhost:9009/game.html" (port number may change: use the port from the start message)
Browser Compatibility: This application's testing has been limited (due to time constraints) to Chrome version 43.0.2357.130 (64-bit).
Warning Message:
There is currently a warning from the event handler. I believe this warning is part of the Om framework wrapper around React being out of sync. Warning: "Warning: Returning false
from an event handler is deprecated and will be ignored in a future release. Instead, manually call e.stopPropagation() or e.preventDefault(), as appropriate."