Shaderpack for Canvas Renderer. Adds a customizable shader pipeline to the game that has a stylized fantasy aesthetic.
This is in early alpha at the moment, and may not look very pretty. It has several noticeable bugs and visual artifacts. However, it is playable for normal gameplay. Providing feedback and reporting bugs is greatly appreciated.
- Bloom that supports realistic emissivity values
- Tonemapping & HDR
- Custom sky & fog
- Support for vanilla effects
- Fancy extra shader effects for various vanilla situations
- Many misc & meme effects. For those that like fun!
- Poorly optimized
- Doesn't seem to work with Mac/Linux with blur options enabled (bloom, underwater/translucent blur)
Spiralhalo's Canvas Tutorial for teaching me how to make a Canvas pipeline. Also thanks to spiralhalo for helping me solve numerous issues.
Grondag, author of Canvas and FREX, for creating and maintaining a pleasant shader API to work with.
Credits to Lumi Lights by Spiralhalo and Canvas Basic/Standard/Dev by Grondag for being great references for working pipelines.
- Blur function used for bloom by XorDev
- RGB to HSV functions by sugi-cho
- Foam function for water by Polyflare
- Ore glow improvements by supsm