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Releases: amcharts/amcharts5


01 Oct 11:02
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[5.0.0-beta.29] - 2021-10-01


  • Wherever date or number format can be set (DateFormatter, NumberFormatter, DateAxis, ValueAxis, Exporting) it can now be set as Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions (for date format) or Intl.NumberFormatOptions (for number format) object in additional to string-based format. More info.
  • New list type ListAutoDispose added.


  • XYCursor will now ignore mouse movement if chart is obstructed by other element, unless zoomin/panning.
  • series, xAxes, and yAxes on an XYChart are now ListAutoDispose, which means that removing items from those lists will automatically dispose them. Set autoDispose = false on those lists if you are planning on removing and reusing items.


  • Sunburst nodes were shown on drill-down when they were not supposed to in some cases.
  • Hierarchy node elements were ignoring templateField.
  • It was impossible to move XYChart scrollbars to some other container.
  • Fixed memory leaking when scrolling LineSeries, and when disposing series or other items.
  • XYCursor was not firing selectended event if behavior was set to "selectX", "selectY", or "selectXY".
  • XYCursor was hiding selection when when behavior was set to "selectX", "selectY", or "selectXY".
  • SerialChart.series.clear() was not working properly.


28 Sep 13:31
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[5.0.0-beta.28] - 2021-09-28


  • Two new settings in Pattern: strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset.
  • Graphics and Picture can now have shadows with additional settings: shadowColor, shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, and shadowOpacity. More info.


  • width and height settings in Pattern are now optional.


  • Fixed the priority of template and templateField.
  • It's now possible for the user to override the template of the ListTemplate.


27 Sep 06:31
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[5.0.0-beta.27] - 2021-09-27


  • Root element now has publicly-accessible property: dom. Holds a reference to chart container (div).


  • Gradient/pattern fills were not working on some elements (since 5.0.0-beta.18).


24 Sep 15:03
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[5.0.0-beta.26] - 2021-09-24


  • MapLineSeries with line geometry inside GeoJSON was not working properly.


24 Sep 07:05
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[5.0.0-beta.25] - 2021-09-24


  • New Entity setting: userData. Use it to store any kind of proprietary data with any object in amCharts 5 that extends Entity.


  • Series axis range will now have visible: false set for all axis elements (grid, fill, label, tick) by deafult. If you need to enable them, set visible: true on a respective range element. More info.


  • Improperly closed in-line text style blocks could cause label palcement issues.
  • Using \n\n in text was not resulting in empty line.
  • Horizontal Sankey bullets were not using their locationX as it should.


23 Sep 13:57
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[5.0.0-beta.24] - 2021-09-23


  • autoRotate and autoRotateAngle settings added to Bullet. Works on Flow and MapPointSeries (when MapPoint is attached to a MapLine).


  • Sankey bullets will now check positionY if series is vertical, and positionX of its a horizontal series. It was using positionY for all orientations previously.


  • In some cases labels with oversizedBehavior: "fit" were not being resized when available space was changed.
  • autoRotate


23 Sep 07:04
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[5.0.0-beta.23] - 2021-09-23


  • Scrollbar was doing some unneeded animations when grip was released while axis was still animating.
  • Double-clicking on scrollbar thumb did not always result full zoomout.
  • Clicking on Scrollbar background did not always result in animating to the clicked position.
  • stroke & fill set on ColumnSeries' columns.template was being overriden by series stroke and fill.
  • Not all settings of columns.template were copied to ColumnSeries' legend marker.


22 Sep 15:01
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[5.0.0-beta.22] - 2021-09-22


  • PercentSeries, FlowNodes, and Hierarchy now have fillField setting. It can be used to specify slice/node fill color via data. If not set, colors will be assigned automatically from series' colors (ColorSet).


  • The way values of nodes in Hierarchy is counted updated to be consistent. There are two options now: a) set values on lowest nodes (no children) so that each node's value is a sum of all its descendants; b) set values for each node. Using any other approach might produce unpredictangle results.
  • colors of the PercentSeries, FlowNodes, and Hierarchy will be reset every time new data is set.


  • Charts now will update their resolution when zooming. That fixes blurriness when page is zoomed in.
  • In some cases, axis' or series' tooltip was showing correct value but was not positioned in the right position.
  • If a templateField was set on FlowNodes' rectangles, the fill of the rectangle set in the field was ignored.


21 Sep 14:45
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[5.0.0-beta.21] - 2021-09-21


  • Compared XYSeries with valueYShow: "valueYChangeSelectionPercent" were redrawn no taking current zoom into account when mouse cursor left plot area when panning chart.


21 Sep 09:56
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[5.0.0-beta.20] - 2021-09-21


  • toFront() and toBack() methods added to Sprite.
  • "above" setting added to AxisDataItem. Allows putting AxisRange grid and fill elements above the series.
  • New setting ignoreFormatting for Label added. If set to true, it will ignore square-bracketed style blocks and will display text as it is.


  • Elements in chart will not generate hover events if they are obstructed by some other DOM element anymore.
  • XYSeries with a vertical axis range was fully visible, even the part covered by an axis range.
  • Axis bullets were not being hidden when axis data item was hidden.
  • Labels in BreadcrumbBar were sometimes misaligned in Safari browser.
  • Legend item of an initially-hidden series/slices/columns was being shown as enabled.