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Repository files navigation

Home Directory on macOS


cd ~
git init
git remote add origin
git pull origin master
git submodule update --init --recursive

System Tweaks

# Turning off Spotlight indexing
sudo mdutil -a -i off -d

# Deleting Spotlight indices
sudo mdutil -X /


# Global ignore
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

# Default user identity
git config --global 'John Doe'
git config --global ''  # do not expose *real email address

# Default editor (nano)
git config --global core.editor 'nano'

# Showing all config values
git config --global -l


# Install:
git clone .brew

# Make sure if there are any issues with:
brew doctor

Packages to install

# Additional repositories:
brew tap homebrew/services
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts

# Shell (zsh)
brew install zsh

# Utilities:
brew install tmux tig lazygit googler

# Web server, SQL, PHP:
brew install nginx mariadb php composer

# Fonts:
brew install --cask font-fira-code font-fira-code-nerd-font font-iosevka

# Ungoogled Chromium for browser testing:
brew cask install eloston-chromium

Fixing curl failing due to expired certs

  1. Download
  2. Replace /etc/ssl/cert.pem with it
cd /etc/ssl
sudo mv cert.pem
sudo cp ~/Downloads/cacert.pem ./cert.pem

Enable the homebrew version of zsh as the default shell

# Check the path to the zsh you want to enable
which zsh

# Add the path to /etc/shells
sudo nano /etc/shells

# Set the path as your default shell
chsh -s $(which zsh)

After restarting the computer, make sure that $SHELL is pointing at the correct path.

echo $SHELL


# Cleanup caches
brew cleanup -s

# Uinstall unnecessary packages
brew autoremove

# Update packages
brew update


# Change global install path to `~/.npm-global`
npm config set prefix "${HOME}/.npm-global"

Packages to install

# Utilities:
npm i -g npm-check-updates

# Automation:
npm i -g npm-watch

# Bundler:
npm i -g rollup
npm i -g @rollup/plugin-babel @rollup/plugin-node-resolve @rollup/plugin-commonjs

# Debug, Testing, Code Coverage:
npm i -g source-map-support
npm i -g mocha c8 codecov

# Documentation Generator:
npm i -g jsdoc


# To see all the packages installed:
npm ls -g --depth=0

# Update packages (required: npm-check-updates)
ncu -g -u


Copying text

  1. Go to scroll mode with Ctrl+A U
  2. Move cursor to the text you want to copy
  3. Space to go to selection mode
  4. Enter to copy the selected text


Circumventing the restriction of pip install by nix

# Use pipx instead
pipx install <pkg>
#   NOTE:
#   - pipx is only for managing end-user applications, not for libraries
#   - Installed apps reside in ~/.local/bin


No releases published


No packages published