Power Menus:
- i3 gaps...obviously
- i3blocks and it's dependencies
- rofi or dmenu which ever you prefer
- ranger
- feh
- w3m to preview images in ranger
- Python-PyWal
- Betterlockscreen and it's dependencies
- compton for smooth transitions
- polybar and it's dependencies if you plan to use that.
- CLI-Visualizer
You don't need to download the scripts separately...just saying where I got the scripts from. I've changed some stuff in the scripts, and I've kept the headers in the files if they had any so you can check out their work if you want.
- Change $bat_number in .i3/scripts/battery accordingly
- Shutdown menu/Powermenu won't work if you decided to use dmenu and not get rofi (unless you have zenity)
If that's all you need...
...and if colors are all you need...
- Verdigris: #52bbb7 (the one that looks kind of blue)
- Darkterracotta: #ca4862 (the one that looks kind of pink)
- #191919 (the dark background for various applications)