Product reviews are an essential part of an online store’s branding and marketing. The importance of product reviews can be understood by the fact that 90% of the consumers read online reviews before making a purchase and 72% of the consumers will be prompted to take an action after reading positive reviews. Online reviews from customers have created a new field in marketing and communication that bridges the gap between traditional word-of-mouth and a viral form of feedback that can influence consumer’s opinion, grab consumer’s attention and increase sales.
Product reviews can help a store or brand in various ways:
- Better Understand your Customers & Improve Customer Service
- Reviews can also help you better understand your products and rectify the issues with the product
- Product Reviews build Trust
By analysing product's reviews, owner can get feedback, ideas for improvements, or even incredible marketing ideas!
The main motive of the project is to scrape product reviews from the website and dump them into the database for data analysis and sentiment analysis model building.
We also have shown the reviews on a webpage for reading and to ensure that scrapped data is in the correct format.
- BeautifulSoup
- Flask
- SQL (for dumping data)
Flask: For web api
pip install Flask
BeautifulSoup: For scrapping data from website
pip install beautifulsoup4
mysql: For connecting python application with MySQL database
pip install mysql-connector-python