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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


On server used following tech:

  • ExpressJS
  • Sequelize
  • PostgreSQL
  • CORS
  • Nodemon

On client used following tech:

  • React
  • Typescript
  • Reduxtoolkit
  • RTK Query

Products delivery app.

For production used:

Get started to run local repo

What needs to be installed

  • Node 18.x.x +
  • PostgreSQL 14.xx.x +

Next steps

Create database(you need to write you correct database username and password in server/db/config/config.js in development object) by

  • cd server/db
  • sequelize-cli db:create

Note:default enviroment is development

Migrate tables by:

  • sequelize-cli db:migrate

Seed data by:

  • sequelize-cli db:seed:all

Start server locally by

  • Go to server root directory
  • Run command npm run dev

Start client locally by

  • Go to client root directory
  • Run command npm run dev

Commands to manage database from terminal from ./server/db directory:

Note:all information about database connection is in ./server/db/config/config.js
  • sequelize-cli db:create -create database
  • sequelize-cli db:migrate -migrate database tables
  • sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo:all -revert all database tables
  • sequelize-cli db:seed -seed data
  • sequelize-cli db:seed:undo:all -revert all seed

Note:can manage different databases by commands and their configuration in ./server/db/config/config.js and use in choosen enviroment by adding attribute --env:NODE_ENV. For example in production env --env:production

Warning: cartProduct amoun input can work uncorrect.

API endpoints from root url (for example:

  • api/shop
    • method POST body {name:string} create shop
      • response {id:number,name:string,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}
    • method GETget all shop
      • response [{id:number,name:string,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date},{id:number,name:string,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}...]
  • api/shop/:id
    • method ```GET`` get shop by id
      • response {id:number,name:string,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}
    • method ```DELETE`` delete shop by id
  • api/product
    • method POST body {name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number} create product
      • response {id:number,name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}
  • api/product/all
    • method GETget all product
      • response [{id:number,name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date},{id:number,name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}...]
  • api/product/:id
    • method ```GET`` get product by id
      • response {id:number,name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}
    • method ```DELETE`` delete delete by id
  • api/product/all/:shop
  • method GETget all product by shopId
    • response [{id:number,name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date},{id:number,name:string, image:file, price:number, shopId:number,ctreatedAt:date,updatedAt:date}...]
  • api/order
    • method POST body { "products":[ { "id": 2, "name": "ChickenBurger", "image": "f708739e-52a2-4974-b554-3a8e6caeddb6.jpg", "price": 3, "shopId": 2 }, { "id": 4, "name": "Cola", "image": "ef76c230-5778-48d3-b31a-5e9955a3f8e0.jpg", "price": 5, "shopId": 2 } ], "userName": "Nick", "userEmail":"", "userPhone": "+38066456789671", "userAddress":"Kyiv 1", "shopAddress":"Kyiv 2" } - create order
  • api/order/email
      • method POST body email:string
      • response - list of orders
  • api/order/phone
      • method POST body phone:string
      • response - list of orders