This project includes a front end in React, with a responsive layout that displays a profile and photo gallery. Users can create an account, edit profile information, add and 'like' photo cards. The back end is an API built with Node.js, using Express and MongoDB. This project incorporates:
- BEM Methodology
- Flexbox
- CSS Grids
- CSS transitions
- Mobile-First Responsive Design
- Embedded custom fonts
- Asynchronous API calls using callbacks and Promises
- Multiple routes and navigation using React Router
- Front end authentication system for user registration and login
- Locally-stored tokens to 'remember' logged in users
- Back end routing with Express
- MongoDB data storage using Mongoose models
- Data validation with Celebrate and Joi
This site is a project of Yandex's Practicum Web Development course. It was created based on a mockup designed in Figma and was bootstrapped with Create React App.