Demo materials to show Opentelemetry basic concepts.
$ make
Available rules:
build Build images
build-script Build go binary script
down Stop demo
down-otel Stop otel-demo
up Run demo containers
up-otel-demo Run compose for otel-demo
$ ./demo-script/otel-101-demo --help
otel-101-demo - Run Opentelemetry 101 demo
otel-101-demo [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Andoni Alonso <>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--all, -l run all demos (default: false)
--auto, -a run the demo in automatic mode, where every step gets executed automatically (default: false)
--auto-timeout auto, -t auto the timeout to be waited when auto is enabled (default: 3s)
--continuously, -c run the demos continuously without any end (default: false)
--hide-descriptions, -d hide descriptions between the steps (default: false)
--immediate, -i immediately output without the typewriter animation (default: false)
--skip-steps value, -s value skip the amount of initial steps within the demo (default: 0)
-0, --demo_simple Run simple Otel demo (default: false)
-1, --demo_otel_demo Run Opentelemetry Demo demo (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Slides from the "Hacknight: Opentelemetry 101" are available here.