This is a simple serverless application using React on the front-end and an Azure Function on the backend.
The Azure function lives in azure-function/GermanWord
The front-end code lives in german_react_spa
I'm assuming you have VSCode installed with Azure Storage extension.
- To build the front-end code, run
npm install
npm run build
- To deploy, right-click on the
folder and click Deploy to Static Website
I'm assuming you have Visual Studio 2019 installed with the Azure Development workload.
- To build the back-end code, open the project in VS2019 and build with CTRL+Shift+B.
- To deploy, right-click on the project and click Publish.
CORS usually won't let a front-end application make requests to different websites. That is, unless the requested resource uses Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
It would be better if we could be more selective about which sites are allowed to access our Azure function.
Fortunately, Microsoft has a way to let you specify which sites are allowed to access your Azure functions, and all within the Azure portal. No code changes needed.
More specifically, you just:
- navigate to your function,
- click on the Platform Features tab,
- under API, click CORS,
- add the name of your static website.
- There should be an actual database
- The app should allow CRUD, not just R
- The front-end should have more styling
- The front-end should have some real tests
- The function shouldn't be hard-coded, but should rather be held in config