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v8 edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 3 revisions

This is an official mirror of [V8 SVN repository from Google Code] (

The intention behind creating it is to have a full history without a need to wait an hour for git-svn to retrieve it. Clone this repository in less than a minute, and you're ready to hack!

External contributors: see [Proposing a Patch] ( if you want to contribute!

For project members

How to start:

git clone git:// v8 && cd v8

Staying up-to-date:

On your development branch:

git pull --rebase origin master

Tracking SVN changes:

Project members use the https:// prefix when accessing SVN. We have a branch called bleeding_edge. Setting up SVN tracking looks like this:

git update-ref refs/remotes/trunk origin/bleeding_edge
git svn init -T branches/bleeding_edge --username <username>
git config --replace svn-remote.svn.fetch branches/bleeding_edge:refs/remotes/origin/bleeding_edge
git svn fetch
git branch bleeding_edge origin/bleeding_edge


Update your branch using git-svn:

git svn rebase

Then commit using:

git cl dcommit