Refer to the above Colab notebook for an example of model inference.
Install with:
pip install "git+"
Example left image disparity generated from stereo image pair:
How to perform the most basic inference:
import numpy as np
import torch
from stereonet.model import StereoNet
import stereonet.utils_io
# Load in the image pair as numpy uint8 arrays, ensure the shapes are the same for both images for concatenation [Height, Width, Channels]
# left = stereonet.utils_io.image_loader(path_to_left_rgb_image_file) # [Height, Width, Channel] [0, 255] uint8
# right = stereonet.utils_io.image_loader(path_to_left_rgb_image_file) # [Height, Width, Channel] [0, 255] uint8
# min_height = min(left.shape[0], right.shape[0])
# min_width = min(left.shape[1], right.shape[1])
# tensored = [torch.permute(torch.from_numpy(array).to(torch.float32).to(device), (2, 0, 1)) for array in (left, right)] [Channel, Height, Width] [0, 255] uint8
# cropper = torchvision.transforms.CenterCrop((min_height, min_width))
# stack = torch.concatenate(list(map(cropper, tensored)), dim=0) # [Stacked left/right channels, Height, Width] [0, 255] float32
# Here just creating a random image
# stack = torch.randint(0, 256, size=(1, 6, 540, 960), dtype=torch.float32) # [Batch, Stacked left/right channels, Height, Width] 6 for 3 RGB x 2 images
stack = torch.randint(0, 256, size=(1, 2, 540, 960), dtype=torch.float32) # [Batch, Stacked left/right channels, Height, Width] 2 for 1 grayscale x 2 images
normalizer = torchvision.transforms.Normalize((111.5684, 113.6528), (61.9625, 62.0313))
normalized = normalizer(stack)
batch = torch.unsqueeze(normalized, dim=0)
# Load in the model from the trained checkpoint
# model = StereoNet.load_from_checkpoint(path_to_checkpoint) # "C:\\users\\name\\Downloads\\epoch=21-step=696366.ckpt"
# Here just instantiate the model with random weights
model = StereoNet(in_channels=1) # 3 channels for RGB, 1 channel for grayscale
# Set the model to eval and run the forward method without tracking gradients
with torch.no_grad():
batched_prediction = model(sample)
# Remove the batch diemnsion and switch back to channels last notation
single_prediction = batched_prediction[0].detach().cpu().numpy() # [batch, channel, height, width] -> [channel, height, width]
single_prediction = np.moveaxis(single_prediction, 0, 2) # [channel, height, width] -> [height, width, channel]
assert (single_prediction.shape) == (540, 960, 1)
KeystoneDepth checkpoint:
- Trained with this mean/std normalizer for left/right grayscale images: torchvision.transforms.Normalize((111.5684, 113.6528), (61.9625, 62.0313))
- Model was trained on grayscale images and has in_channels=1
- Train/val split ratio of 85%
- Max disparity parameter during training = 256 with the mask applied
- 3 downsampling (1/8 resolution) and 3 refinement layers
- Batch size of 1
- Trained for a maximum of 25 epochs (lowest validation loss was at epoch 21)
- RMSProp with a learning rate of 2.54e-4
- Exponention LR scheduler with gamma=0.9
- Maximum image side length of 625 with aspect ratio preserving resizing
- Validation EPE of 1.543 for all pixels (including >256).
Train and validation loss curves for the KeystoneDepth training run:
On a GTX 1070, wall clock time was about 5-6 hours per epoch or ~6-7 days of wall clock time to train.
Older model checkpoint trained on Sceneflow corresponding with this commit:
- Model was trained on RGB images and has in_channels=3
- Max disparity parameter during training = 256 with the mask applied
- 3 downsampling (1/8 resolution) and 3 refinement layers
- Validation EPE of 3.93 for all pixels (including >256).
Implementation of the StereoNet network to compute a disparity map using stereo images.
This project was implemented using PyTorch Lightning + Hydra as a learning exercise to learn about stereo networks, PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, and Hydra. Feel free to make any comments or recommendations for better coding practice.
Currently implemented
- Downsampling feature network with
- Cost volume filtering
- When training, a left and right cost volume is computed with the loss arising from the mean of the losses of left and right disparity delta to ground truth.
- Hierarchical refinement with cascading
- Robust loss function A General and Adaptive Robust Loss Function, Barron (2019)
Two repos were relied on heavily to inform the network (along with the actual paper)
Original paper:
I believe ZhiXuanLi's repo follows the paper best up until line 107 (note their CostVolume computation is incorrect)
X-StereoLab is good up until line 180. X-StereoLab return both the up sampled and refined independently and don't perform the final ReLU.
I believe the implementation that I have written takes the best of both repos and follows the paper most closely.
Noteably, the argmin'd disparity is computed prior to the bilinear interpolation (follows X-Stereo but not ZhiXuanLi, the latter do it reverse order).
Further, neither repo had a cascade of refinement networks and neither repo trained on both the left and right disparities. I believe my repo has both of these correctly implemented.
The paper clearly states they use (many) batch norm layers while simultaneously using a batch size of 1. I find this interesting. I naively tried training on random 50% crops (same crop applied to left/right/and disparities) so that I could get more samples into a batch but I think I was losing too many features so the EPE was consistently high. Currently, training using a single sample (left/right images and left/right disparity). I still needed to crop down to 513x912 images in order to not run into GPU memory issues.