A personal budgeting app. It's simple. As you buy a cup of coffee or receive a royalty payment, just enter that in application, it will do the rest for you:
- Store all incomes/expenses in a convenient history list;
- Generate detailed monthly reports based on Incomes/Expenses by Accounts/Categories;
- Create & save a PDF report of the month you request so you can share/store it.
- ROOM Database - All the CRUD operations
- Fragments and Navigation
- Recycler Layout - How to populate it with the data from the database.
- Generating files
- Comparing to my previous app (Weather) - much cleaner architecture. I.e. all files are splitted between Activities, Adapters, Dialogs, Fragments, Room, and Util packages to make it understandable for other developers.
You will be able to dowload an .AAB file for yourself a bit later.
- Write to external storage -> For saving PDF reports
- Kotlin - The programming language used
- Android Studio, API level 30 - Environment
- Adobe XD - For the UI designing
- Dexter - For simpler permission handling
- itextpdf - For generating PDF files
- Andriy Bobchuk - andriybobchuk.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details