A Great Collection of Deep Learning Tutorials and Repositories
- Browse state-of-the-art Deep Learning based Papers with their associated codes [Extremely Fantastic]
- Deep-Learning-Roadmap
- DeepLizard [Good Tutorials for Deep Learning]
- Excellent Blog
- The 6 most useful Machine Learning projects of the past year (2018)
- ResNet Review
- CNN Visualizations [Very Good]
- Netron - GitHub [Excellent]
- Monitor your GPUs [Excellent]
- Understanding CNN
- Quantization
- Neural Network Distiller
- Dynamic Quantization in PyTorch
- Static Quantization in PyTorch
- Intel(R) Math Kernel Library - Intel MKL-DNN
- Intel MKL-Dnn
- ONNX Float32 to Float16
- Neural Network Quantization Introduction [Tutorial]
- Finding similar images using Deep learning and Locality Sensitive Hashing [Very Good]
- Image similarity using Triplet Loss
- Finding duplicate images made easy!
- Deep Learning Recommendation Model for Personalization and Recommendation Systems - DLRM
- DLRM: An advanced, open source deep learning recommendation model
- Neural Recommendation Algorithms
- Great NLP Posts
- Ten trends in Deep learning NLP
- A Gentle Introduction to Text Summarization in Machine Learning
- Attention in RNNs
- BERT - TensorFlow
- Understanding XLNet
- XLNet - TensorFlow
- XLM (PyTorch implementation of Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining)
- Pretrained PyTorch models for BERT
- Library of state-of-the-art pretrained models for NLP [Excellent]
- DistilBERT
- PyTorch Hub - BERT
- A Simple Guide On Using BERT for Binary Text Classification
- Core ML 3 implementation of BERT for Question answering
- Beyond Word Embeddings Part 1
- Beyond Word Embeddings Part 2
- Learning Word Embedding
- Introduction to Word Embedding and Word2Vec
- Word Embedding
- Understanding Word Embeddings
- Introduction to Word Vectors
- Word2vec Made Easy
- What is GloVe? Part I
- What is GloVe? Part II
- What is GloVe? Part III
- What is GloVe? Part IV
- What is GloVe? Part V
- Understanding LSTM Networks
- Illustrated Guide to LSTM’s and GRU’s
- Animated RNN, LSTM and GRU
- Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM explained
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM): Concept
- Understanding architecture of LSTM cell from scratch
- Basic understanding of LSTM
- How Transformers Work
- The Illustrated Transformer
- What is a Transformer?
- Transformer: A Novel Neural Network Architecture for Language Understanding
- How do Transformers Work in NLP?
- BERT for Dummies
- 100 Times Faster Natural Language Processing in Python
- Multi-label Text Classification using BERT
- Learning Meaning in Natural Language Processing
- Train and Deploy the Mighty Transformer NLP models using FastBert and AWS SageMaker
- Holistic Video Understanding Challenge
- Holistic Video Understanding Dataset
- Holistic Large Scale Video Understanding - Tutorial
- Audio Classification [Great]
- Building a Dead Simple Word Recognition Engine Using Convnet
- Identifying the Genre of a Song with Neural Networks
- Modelling audio signal using visual features
- Object Detection for Dummies Part 1
- Object Detection for Dummies Part 2
- Object Detection for Dummies Part 3
- Object Detection for Dummies Part 4
- Open MMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- A Free course in Deep Reinforcement Learning from beginner to expert [Great]
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms with PyTorch
- set-up a Paperspace GPU Server
- Distributed ML with OpenMPI
- Tensorflow 2.0 vs Mxnet
- TensorFlow is dead, long live TensorFlow!
- Skorch - A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch
- BoTorch - Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- torchvision 0.3: segmentation, detection models, new datasets and more
- TorchAudio: an audio library for PyTorch
- AudTorch
- TorchAudio-Contrib
- fastText - Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
- Fairseq - Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
- ParlAI - dialogue models - Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
- Netron - GitHub [Visualizer for deep learning Models (Excellent)]
- Netron - Web Site
- torchvision 0.3: segmentation, detection models, new datasets and more
- PyTorch Hub
- Neural Structured Learning (NSL) in TensorFlow
- ResNext WSL [Great Pretrained Model]
- Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning (HRNet)