Bluetooth remote controll for 230AC extension.
default name: "Bt-ext"
baud: 9600 data: 8b stop: 1 parity: none
frame include: [header][cmd][data][crc]
frame [1B]: 0xA2
cmd [1B]:
name: 0x90
search: 0x91
toggle: 0x92
time: 0x93
data [8B] - MSB first:
name: [8B]
search: 0x01[1B] 0x00[7B]
toggle: ON: 0x0F[1B] 0x00[7B] / OFF: 0xF0[1B] 0x00[7B]
time: hours[1B] minutes[1B] seconds[1B] 0x00[5B]
crc [2B] - LSB first:
- counting from commad (cmd include)
OK: device sends ~header as confirmation = ~0xA2 = 0x5D
ERROR: 0xF1 [1B]
turn ON the device:
- TX: {0xA2} {0x92} {0x0F 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00} {0x00 0xA1}
- RX: ~0xA2 - OK
turn OFF the device:
- TX: {0xA2} {0x92} {0xF0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00} {0x01 0x82}
- RX: ~0xA2 - OK