Websocket Server with Pub/Sub and channels
Simple Websocket server with multiple clients and pub/sub with channel support.
configure message line separator in ws_handler() function if needed
separator = chr(30)
start the server
python3 server.py
Open in your browser receiver.html from examples/ folder
- this will connect to the Websocket server and subscribe to app channel
Start sender.py from examples/ folder
python3 examples/sender.py
The server app console will print the connections id and messages:
50530 Conn
50530 Sub app
50559 Conn
#1 Air app/0
#1 Air app/1
#1 Air app/2
#1 Air app/3
#1 Air app/4
#1 Air app/5
#1 Air app/6
#1 Air app/7
#1 Air app/8
#1 Air app/9
50559: Closed
The browser will print the received messages:
app: 0
app: 1
app: 2
app: 3
app: 4
app: 5
app: 6
app: 7
app: 8
app: 9