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template engines

Angeal185 edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 10 revisions

Template engines

sicarii has the ability to render, cache and compress templates engine templates. refer to stream.render for further details

  • template engines can be configured at config.template_engine
  • templates are rendered with stream.render
  • templates use settings from config.render
  • templates are compresses if compression is enabled
  • templates are cached if config.render.cache is enabled
  • all sicarii template engine adapters are asynchronous.
  • automatic error handling is provided for consistency across all engines
  • each engines individual error messages are still provided in the callback
 *  stream.render(path, obj, callback)
 *  @param {string} path // file path relative to render dir
 *  @param {object} obj // data for rendered file
 *  @param {function} callback ~ optional

 //send headers and rendered doc
 stream.render('index.html', {title: 'basic'})


 // send headers and rendered doc
 stream.render('index.html', {title: 'basic'}, function(err){
     // the stream has ended and automatic error handling has been provided.
     return console.log(err)

   // do something...

sicarii currently supports the following engines:


  • default engine, renders html files with javascript template literals included
  • the default engine is ideal for single page apps or when you do not require extra features
  • the default engine does not require any additional installation
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

  // send default headers and render index.html
  stream.render('index.html', {title: 'basic'})





  • renders html from javascript
  • write your templates in plain javascript
  • poorboy engine does not require any additional installation
  • poorboy can be extended to use html parsing modules
  • poorboy can be used to render pre-compiled templates from any other engine
  • poorboy is fast
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

  // send default headers and render index.js
  stream.render('index.js', {
    title: 'poorboy',
    people: ['bob', 'alice']


basic example

// /render/index.js

module.exports = (data) => `

advanced example

// /render/index.js

const includes = require('./includes'); //cached
module.exports = (data) => `
// /render/includes.js

const includes = module.exports = {
  title: (i) => '<title>'+ i +'</title>',
  li: (i) => '<li>'+ i +'</li>',
  group: (i) => {
    let ul = '<ul>';
    for (let x = 0; x < i.length; x++) {
      ul +=[x])
    ul += '</ul>';
    return ul;

extended example

// /render/index.js
const cheerio = require('cheerio'); // cached
const includes = require('./includes'); //cached

module.exports = (data) => {

  const $ = cheerio.load(includes.body(data.title))

  let test = $('<ul />').attr({id: 'test'})

    $('<h1 />').text('Hello world'),

  return $.html()

// /render/includes.js

const includes = module.exports = {
  body: (i) => '<html><head><title>'+ i +'</title></head><body></body></html>',
  li: (i) => '<li>'+ i +'</li>'


  • usage of nunjucks requires nunjucks to be pre installed
  • do not set nunjucks to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • config.template_engine.nunjucks.filters is a path to filters file relative to cwd
  • config.template_engine.nunjucks.globals.vars are added to all renders
  • refer to nunjucks documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){
  // send default headers and render index.njk
  stream.render('index.njk', {title: 'nunjucks'})



custom filters can be added like so:

"nunjucks": {
  "enabled": true,
  "filters": "/path/to/filters.js"

// filters.js
module.exports = {
  shorten: function(str, count) {
    return str.slice(0, count || 1);


  • usage of liquidjs requires liquidjs to be pre installed
  • do not set liquidjs to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • refer to liquidjs documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

  // send default headers and render index.liquid
  stream.render('index.liquid', {title: 'liquidjs'})





  • usage of squirrelly requires nunjucks to be pre installed
  • do not set squirrelly to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • refer to squirrelly documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

  // send default headers and render index.html
  stream.render('index.html', {title: 'squirrelly'})





  • usage of twig requires twig to be pre installed
  • refer to twig documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

  // send default headers and render index.twig
  stream.render('index.twig', {title: 'twig'})





  • usage of ejs requires ejs to be pre installed
  • do not set ejs to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • refer to ejs documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

 // send default headers and render index.ejs
 stream.render('index.ejs', {title: 'ejs'})



<title><%= title %></title>


  • usage of ect requires ect to be pre installed
  • do not set ect to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • refer to ect documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

 // send default headers and render index.ect
 stream.render('index.ect', {title: 'ect'})



<title><%= @title %></title>


  • usage of eta requires eta to be pre installed
  • do not set eta to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • refer to eta documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

 // send default headers and render index.eta
 stream.render('index.eta', {title: 'eta'})



<title><%= it.title %></title>


  • usage of pug requires pug to be pre installed
  • do not set pug to cache templates as this will be done by sicarii
  • refer to pug documentation for further details
router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){

   // send default headers and render index.pug
  stream.render('index.pug', {title: 'pug'})



         title #{title}


  • usage of mustache requires mustache to be pre installed

  • this async adapter is specific to sicarii

  • mustache has 0 dependencies

  • refer to mustache documentation for further details

router.get('/', function(stream, headers, flags){
   // send default headers and render index.html with included partial
  stream.status(200).render('index.html', {
    partials: { // include mustache partials in external docs here
      user: '/partial_user.html', // path to partial relative to render dir
      years: '/partial_age.html' // path to partial relative to render dir
    title: 'test title', // template vars
    name: 'jack',
    age: '999'



    my name is {{#name}}{{> user}}{{/name}}<br>
    i am {{#age}}{{> years}}{{/age}} years old






sicarii template engines is easily extendable

  • note ~ extra template engines are currently being added to sicarii
  • template engines can be added or removed

add engine

extra engines can be added using app.engine.add:

  • sicarii/lib/adapters will contain your new engine template.
  • config.template_engine will automatically be updated with your settings
 *  app.engine.add(title, obj, callback)
 *  @param {string} title // template engine title in snake_case
 *  @param {object} obj // data new engine
 *  @param {function} callback function(err)

app.engine.add('test', {
  "enabled": false, // must have enabled
  "settings": {
    "use_globals": false,
}, function(err){
  if(err){return console.error(err)}

extra engines can be manually added the following way:

  • sicarii/lib/adapters contains templates that you can use as a base to adapt any template engine.
  • clone one of the template files and rename it
  • edit the cloned file to accept your template engine
  • add the template engine to config.template_engine.engines using the same cloned files name
  • duplicate config.template_engine.default, rename it, add your settings and enable it.
  • the file name must be the same ass config.template_engine[your_file_name]
  • the adapters you are not using can be deleted and removed from config for production

an example of how easy it is to add a template engine to sicarii:

// /sicarii/lib/adapters/ejs.js

const ejs = require("ejs"),
config = require(process.env.config_file),
utils = require('../utils'),
settings = config.template_engine.ejs.settings;

module.exports = function(stream, file, src, url, data, cb){
  ejs.renderFile(file, data, settings, function(err, data){
      utils.err(stream, 'GET', url, 500, 'ejs template render error')
    utils.render_sort(stream, data, url, cb);

you are simply passing your template engines data through to utils.render_sort in an async way.

delete engine

extra engines can be deleted using app.engine.del:

  • sicarii/lib/adapters will have the adapter removed
  • config.template_engine will automatically remove the engine/s
  • this action should be called for production to minimize sicarii's size
  • this action cannot be undone.
 *  app.engine.del(items, callback)
 *  @param {array} items // template engine items to remove
 *  @param {function} callback function(err)

app.engine.del(['pug','twig', 'nunjucks', 'ejs'], function(err){
  if(err){return console.error(err)}
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