PS NodeJS Version Manager is a version manager for NodeJS written in Windows Powershell.
In order to install the version manager for windows run the following line in a powershell prompt.
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Content | iex
Once the NodeJS version manager is installed you can run the following cmdlets
Install-NodeJS -Version 'major.minor.revision' -Architecture 'x86|x64' # Downloads the specified NodeJS Version to the distribution directory.
Get-NodeJSVersion # Get the current NodeJS version
# if invoked with the -Local switch it will list the version installed locally.
# if invoked with the -Remote switch it will list the version available for install.
Set-NodeJSVersion -Version 'major.minor.revision' -Architecture 'x86|x64' # Adjust the PATH variable to include the specified NodeJS version.
# NOTE: the specified version must be installed.
Clear-NodeJSVersion # Removes the current NodeJS version from the PATH.
NOTE: NodeJS Version Manager is designed to run on wndows only.