Welcome to the source code for my online portfolio, angusdumaresq.com.
This project draws inspiration from the captivating single-page portfolios celebrated on platforms like awwwards.com and cssdesignawards.com. While acknowledging that my portfolio is currently a humble distance away from these masterpieces, the sheer beauty and creativity displayed on those sites are inspiring the journey for this project.
As I continue to grow my expertise in JavaScript and CSS, this portfolio will undergo iterative enhancements. The ultimate ambition is to birth something not just unique, but downright outlandish — crafted to awe and inspire.
Responsive Design: Designed to be scalable and accessible across various devices and screen sizes
About Me: Showcases a bit about me, my education, skills and my career aspirations
Skillset Display: Uses React hooks such as useEffect and useRef to trigger Javascript functions to make the site responsive
Beautify: Make the site more 'artsy' through colours and images
Interactive Experiences: Incorporate interactive elements to make the portfolio more dynamic
Database: Integrate the site with a SQL database using Node.js