cargo watch -x check -x test -x fmt -x clippy -x run
curl -v
curl -v
curl -i -X POST -d '' \
TEST_LOG=true cargo test health_check_works|bunyan
docker build --tag zero2prod --file Dockerfile .
docker run -p 8000:8000 zero2prod
docker system prune
docker system prune --volumes
sudo docker exec -it 775c7c9ee1e1 /bin/bash
su postgres
cd /var/lib/postgresql/data/
openssl req -new -text -passout pass:abcd -subj /CN=localhost -out server.req -keyout privkey.pem
openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -passin pass:abcd -out server.key
openssl req -x509 -in server.req -text -key server.key -out server.crt
chmod 600 server.key
change conf:
search # - SSL -
- # ssl = off
+ ssl = on
- # ssl_cert_file = ''
+ ssl_cert_file = '/var/lib/postgresql/data/server.crt'
- # ssl_key_file = ''
+ ssl_key_file = '/var/lib/postgresql/data/server.key'```
I have a CI drone setting, how to make cd automatic?
- docker part
- how to clean old docker
- stop docker
- remove docker
- remove image
- how to generate new docker
- Docker file
- run docker
- how to clean old docker
- image part
- how to make new image
- write docker file
- rewrite db_generation_script
- learn how to make new image based on docker
- for postgres(for ssl)
- write self dockerfile to reduce CI time spend(in rust ci)
Get an OA last week, tried my best on Sunday, and get failed result today. I'm still trying to find a job in In ireland, I have to be better. Didn't push things, but still doing something.
- build a personal email server, and didn't blocked by outlook, cheers!
- Found that as I use cloudflare as cdn, the curl header will be it's web link instead my server name.
- As Chapater 7 beginning from use email http api, and the software for email I used is not in the same format, I decdied to write a simple rust server for translate http to smtp.
- It will be pushed to github, I hope it will help someone others.
- Write some of code of chapater 7, it can't work as the email restful api haven't start to work now.