Thinking of our today we can’t afford to lose our smart phones. Because, in our day to day life it has become inseparable to us. Ours concern is we never let to lose your smart phone. Scope First of all, if phone is lost nearby it would response by voice. For example, if your phone is lost in house, then if you make a certain sound it will response. There will be a website where our registered user will be facilitated by spotting where there mobile by map. They will be able to lock down their phone, in the cases of theft. User Anonymous User: Anonymous user will only can use the “Find the Mobile by Voice” option. Anonymous users will be able to register to our website and become registered users so that they can access all the features.
Registered User: The registered users will find record in there account where are the phone have been and where are the phone now. They can lock down their phone by admin verification in the cases of theft. Admin User: Admin user will be able to verify if the lock down is needed or not.