Sorting Json File
To Run the application
Using IDE
Run the
Using command line -
mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=sorting.Main
mvn test -Dtest=sorting.SortingTest
Project description - The main class which sets the Json file. It calls the readFile() and writeResult() methods. - The class which performs all the operations defined in the various methods
setFiles() - Used to set the Json file
readFile() - Used to read and parse the Json file
sortPlaneCapacity() - Used to sort the total plane capacity
sortCarCapacity() - Used to sort the total car capacity
sortTrainCapacity() - Used to sort the total train capacity
sortPlaneDistinctType() - Used to sort the distinct plane types
sortCarDistinctType() - Used to sort the distinct car types
sortTrainDistinctType() - Used to sort the distinct train types
writeResult() - Used to write the json with the sorted data - JUnit tests for testing all the methods of