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anjavdl edited this page Sep 25, 2021 · 4 revisions


Make sure your path variable is correctly set:,-scripts,-and-loops

Running ``solve-field''

The executable for is called solve-field. Full instructions are available at
You should first set up your own temporary directory for the temporary files that solve-field will write, e.g. /astrolab/<semester>/<username>. Its default is to write to /tmp which fills up rather quickly!

To solve the astrometry of a field with approximate knowledge of the center coordinates, run

solve-field --ra [raguess] --dec [decguess] --radius [searchrad] [filename] -m /astrolab/<semester>/<username>

and replacing [raguess] etc. with your estimates of the center position (in decimal degrees). The search radius is specified in degrees.

If you get a python error when trying to run solve-field, execute the line export PATH=/usr/local/conda27/conda27/bin:$PATH in your terminal and try again.

Looping over many files

Also see,-scripts,-and-loops .

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