Easily process the lines using pipes in xonsh shell. Multicore processing supported.
If you like the idea of pipeliner click ⭐ on the repo and tweet.
xpip install -U xontrib-pipeliner
echo 'xontrib load pipeliner' >> ~/.xonshrc
# Reload xonsh
Let your pipe lines flow thru the Python code:
<cmd> | <...> | pl "<preset name or lambda expression>" | <cmd> | <...>
is to run multicorepl
. It tested mostly on Linux. See "Known issues" section.plx
is the shorter way to execute the commands with pipe lines i.e.ls /home | plx 'du -sh /home/{line}'
pl # list of presets
echo " 1" | pl strip
# 1
echo "1,2,3" | pl split ,
['1', '2', '3']
echo "a,b,c" | pl split , | pl fromlist 0
# a
echo xonsh pids is $(ps ax | grep xonsh | grep -v grep | pl split ' ' | pl fromlist 0)
# xonsh pids is 56486 56913 56489
You can set your own presets:
"upper": "line.upper()",
"repeat": lambda line, num, args: line * int(args[0])
echo 'hello' | pl upper
echo 'hey \nhi ' | pl repeat 3
# hey hey hey
# hi hi hi
There are two variables available in lambda expression:
from pipe.num
of the line starts with 0.
ls -1 / | pl "line + ' is here'" | head -n 3
bin is here
boot is here
dev is here
ls -1 / | head -n 4 | pl "f'{num} {line}'"
0 bin
1 boot
2 cdrom
3 dev
$ ls -1 / | head -n 4 | pl "f'{num} {line}' if num%2 == 0 else None"
0 bin
2 cdrom
cat /etc/passwd | head -n 3 | pl "line.split(':')[6]"
import re
cat /etc/passwd | head -n 3 | pl "re.sub('/bin/bash', '/usr/bin/xonsh', line)"
cat /etc/passwd | head -n 3 | pl "line.split(':')" | grep nologin | pl "':'.join(eval(line)[::-1])"
pl "'\\n'.join(list('ABCDEFG'))" | pl "line + ('!' if num%2 else '?')" | grep '!'
Expression is a lambda function so using variables and operations chaining since Python 3.8+ are available by trick with the walrus operator and the list:
ls -1 / | head -n3 | pl "[s:='b', line.replace(s, s.upper()+')')][-1]"
ls / | head -n 3 | pl "execx('du -sh /'+line) or 'Done command with /'+line"
0 /bin
Done command with /bin
840M /boot
Done command with /boot
4,0K /cdrom
Done command with /cdrom
Note! If you do the operations with files (i.e. pl "execx(f'mv {line} prefix-{line}')"
) you could catch TypeError: an integer is required
error that relates to wrong access rights to files. Fix it with chmod
and chown
before pipelining.
aliases['my_lovely_pl'] = lambda a,i,o: aliases['pl'](["'My lovely ' + "+a[0]], i, o)
aliases['my_parallel_ppl'] = lambda a,i,o: aliases['ppl'](["'My parallel ' + "+a[0]], i, o)
ls / | head -n 3 | my_lovely_pl "line + '!'"
# My lovely bin!
# My lovely boot!
# My lovely cdrom!
ls / | head -n 3 | my_parallel_ppl "line + '!'"
# My parallel boot!
# My parallel cdrom!
# My parallel bin!
Add your most useful solutions to xontrib-pipeliner. PRs are welcome!
If you're using xonsh prompt and want to use pipeliner with syntax highlighting instead of string there is experimental
feature that catch pl @(<python>)
calls and uses the expression from the xonsh python substitution as pipeliner argument.
echo echo | pl @(line + '!')
# In the xonsh prompt it's equals to:
echo echo | pl "line + '!'"
To avoid writing Python inside the string and get the syntax highlighting there is a tricky way with using xonsh macro:
def py(code):
return code
echo 123 | pl @(py!(line + '2'))
By default pipeliner works using one CPU core. To use them all in parallel try ppl
head /etc/passwd | ppl "str(num) + ' ' + line.split(':')[0]"
1 daemon
0 root
2 bin
4 sync
5 games
8 mail
9 news
6 man
7 lp
3 sys
Note! The order of result lines is unpredictable because lines will be processed in parallel.
The num
variable contains the real line number.
There are plx
and pplx
commands to run execx(f"{plx_command}")
most shorter way.
For example when you want to rename files you can do it Pythonic way:
mkdir -p /tmp/plx-test && cd /tmp/plx-test
touch 111 222 333 && ls
# 111 222 333
ls | plx "mv {line} prefix-{line}"
# mv 111 prefix-111
# mv 222 prefix-222
# mv 333 prefix-333
# prefix-111 prefix-222 prefix-333
Echo example:
ls | plx 'echo {line} # {num}'
# echo prefix-111 # 0
# prefix-111
# echo prefix-222 # 1
# prefix-222
# echo prefix-333 # 2
# prefix-333
By default xsh scripts haven't rc-file with xontribs loading. To add pipeliner to your script just do xontrib load pipeliner
before usage.
ppl: On MacOS global variables are not accessible from child processes in multicore pipelining
On Mac you can't access to the xonsh context (global variables and functions) in the expression. PR is welcome!
Workaround is to add cat
at the end: echo 1 | ppl 'line' | cat
. PR is welcome!
Pipeliner should be a part of xonsh and has shortcut and syntax highlighting. For example:
echo 'Pipeliner should be ' | pl @{line + 'a part of xonsh!'}
# or
echo 'Pipeliner should be ' | ~(line + 'a part of xonsh!')
Pipeliner should be a part of xonsh!
If you want to support this in xonsh add your Like and support message to Python code substitution in subproc mode.
- This package is the part of rc-awesome - awesome snippets of code for xonshrc in xonsh shell.
- This package is the part of ergopack - the pack of ergonomic xontribs.
- This package was created with xontrib cookiecutter template.