Blog for your website.
Download ZIP file and copy it into your system/extensions
folder. Learn more about extensions.
The blog is available on your website as http://website/blog/
. To create a new blog page, add a new file to the blog folder. Set Published
and other page settings at the top of a page. Dates should be written in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The publishing date will be used to sort blog pages. Use Tag
to group similar pages together. You can use [--more--]
to add a page break at the desired spot.
If you want to edit blog pages in a web browser, you can do this on your website at http://website/edit/blog/
. If you want to edit blog pages on your computer, have a look inside your content/3-blog
folder. Here are some tips. At the top of a page you can change Title
and other page settings. Below you can change text and images. Learn more about text formatting.
You can use shortcuts to show information about the blog:
for a list of authors
for a list of tags
for a list of years
for a list of months
for a list of pages, published order
The following arguments are available:
= location of blog start page, auto
for automatic detection
= number of entries to show per shortcut, 0 for unlimited
= show pages with a specific tag, [blogpages]
Content file for blog:
Title: Blog example page
Published: 2020-04-07
Author: Datenstrom
Layout: blog
Tag: Example
This is an example page.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna pizza. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt
in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Content file for blog, with page break:
Title: Fika is good for you
Published: 2020-06-01
Author: Datenstrom
Layout: blog
Tag: Example, Coffee
Fika is a Swedish custom. It's a social coffee break where people
gather to have a cup of coffee or tea together. You can have fika with
colleagues at work. You can invite your friends to fika. Fika is such
an important part of life in Sweden that it is both a verb and a noun.
How often do you fika? [--more--]
[youtube SUpY1BT9Xf4]
Content file with blog information:
Title: Overview
## Pages
## Tags
Showing list of pages, different number of entries:
[blogpages /blog/ 0]
[blogpages /blog/ 3]
[blogpages /blog/ 10]
Showing list of pages, with a specific tag:
[blogpages /blog/ 0 coffee]
[blogpages /blog/ 0 milk]
[blogpages /blog/ 0 example]
Showing links to blog:
[See all pages](/blog/)
[See pages of 2020](/blog/published:2020/)
[See pages by Datenstrom](/blog/author:datenstrom/)
[See pages about coffee](/blog/tag:coffee/)
[See pages with examples](/blog/tag:example/)
Configuring blog address in the settings, URL is automatically detected:
BlogStartLocation: auto
BlogNewLocation: @title
Configuring blog address in the settings, URL with publishing date:
BlogStartLocation: /blog/
BlogNewLocation: /blog/@date/@title
Configuring blog address in the settings, URL with subfolder for each year:
BlogStartLocation: /blog/
BlogNewLocation: /blog/@year/@title
The following settings can be configured in file system/extensions/yellow-system.ini
= location of blog start page, auto
for automatic detection
= location for new blog pages, supported placeholders
= use publication date as numerical prefix, 1 or 0
= number of entries to show per shortcut, 0 for unlimited
= number of entries to show per page, 0 for unlimited
The following placeholders for new blog pages are supported:
= page title
= page author
= page tag for categorisation
= page publication date as timestamp
= page publication date, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
= page publication date, YYYY-MM-DD format
= page publication year
= page publication month
= page publication day
The following files can be customised:
= content file for new blog page
= layout file for individual blog page
= layout file for blog start page
Anna Svensson. Get help.