A x86 architecture based 64bit operating system(x86_64-decOS) written entirely from scratch. Written mainly in C/C++ and assembly to test and implement various OS modules interrupt handling, memory management unit, user processes, VFS(file system), system calls, paging memory encryption and lot more. x86_64-decOS design requires to understand the working of operating systems internally, x86 architecture, assembly, calling conventions(SYSTEM5 AMD64), and low-level stuff.
decOS project is under development and aims to implement the basic functionalities that an OS offers with constant approach to add further features.
Special thanks to wiki.osdev.org, www.cs.columbia.edu/~junfeng/11sp-w4118/lectures/ to help understand how to implement modules in a working xv6 operating system.
x86_64-decOS is distributed under the MIT License. Read LICENSE for details.