The idea behind this web application is to display the statistics of Coronavirus around the world. To get daily results, this website collects the data from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) GitHub page.
TechStack behind covid19tracker website is (Django, Postgresql, GraphQL & Mapbox) and to collect daily results around the world admin panel crawls & parses (JHU CSSE) GitHub page using beautifulsoup4 and parses the CSV file using PapaParse javascript API and converts it to JSON data format and stores the results into the db using ORM data models. To populate the statistics of each country around the world over the map it uses Mapbox Javascript API and follows geoJSON data format to represent the geographic location of each country.
To sync the daily statistics, I have built one Admin Panel which crawls & parses (JHU CSSE) CSV data and updates the results into the database on daily basis and the admin panel can be accessed using /admin endpoint.
To get started with the website I have provided one default Mapbox access token which can be found under the file, but the token has limited usage, and I suggest bringing your access token and replacing the value with the following environmental variable.
To make the installation process easier I have set up docker, and internally it handles all installation complexity and configures the statistics of the following dates to get started with the website.
Before proceeding further with the installation & setup process, make sure you've docker installed in your local machine. If not then please follow the official documentation for installation.
Once docker is set up in your local environment then follow the following steps for project installation & setup process.
git clone
cd covid-19-tracker
docker-compose up -d --build
Once your container is up and running then execute the below commands to set up all country & statistics data into the database. And this setup procedure is essential otherwise you'll face some unintended behaviour while accessing the website.
docker-compose exec web python makemigrations app
docker-compose exec web python migrate app
docker-compose exec web python --noinput
During the setup process, you'll observe the following logs.
Setting Up all countries & statistics data
All countries data added to the database successfully
02-08-2022.json data added to the database successfully
02-09-2022.json data added to the database successfully
02-10-2022.json data added to the database successfully
02-11-2022.json data added to the database successfully
02-12-2022.json data added to the database successfully
Setup completed successfully!
Open on your browser
To get the statistics faster, I have implemented GraphQL using graphene python module, so we can query different datasets i.e. Country, TotalCases & CovidStatistics
and get all the results at once in just few seconds.
Open on your browser
This is a sample query to get the covid statistics of the 02-10-2022
date and using this query, it will populate two different sets of data.
- Total Cases around the world - (totalCases)
- Statistics of all countries - (countryStatistics)
query {
totalCases(date: "02-10-2022") {
edges {
node {
countryStatistics {
statistics(date: "02-10-2022") {
edges {
node {
The website is still under development, if you've any new ideas or suggestions feel free to reach out to me on @anspattnaik or you can also raise a PR with the new feature or any bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License