Welcome to the Lit Components Library with SCSS. This library is currently under construction and is being developed with the goal of providing a collection of reusable and styled web components for modern projects.
This library is built using Lit, a framework for creating fast and lightweight web components. The styling of the components is handled with SCSS, which allows for advanced customization and style management.
- Reusable Components: Easy to use in any web project.
- Optimal Performance: Built with Lit for fast performance.
- Customizable Styles: Utilizes SCSS for efficient and flexible style management.
- In Development: The library continues to be developed in my spare time by adding components and features.
- Node.js (version 20 or higher)
- pnpm (version 9 or higher)
The library is not yet published on npm. To install it from the repository, clone the project and run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/anthonyportugal/lit-components.git
cd lit-components-library
pnpm install