Simple and light script to handle and register Webpack Encore assets to WordPress.
composer require antiseptikk/wordpress-encore
Then in your functions.php
file of your theme, load composer auto-loader.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$encore = new \Antiseptikk\Encore('build', '1.0.0', '');
Using WPress composer-skeleton
We recommend using WPress composer-skeleton for using this library,
you can use config constants like WP_HOME
$encore = new \Antiseptikk\Encore('build', '1.0.0', WP_HOME);
use Antiseptikk\Encore;
class Bootstrap
private $encore;
public function __constuct()
$this->encore = new Encore('build', '1.0.0', WP_HOME);
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', [$this, 'enqueue_assets']);
public function enqueue_assets()
$this->encore->enqueue('app', 'main', []);
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