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All you need for the workshop is:
- A Telegram account. You will need it to use it to send me your questions/solutions
- A running Linux system with an internet connection
- Latest version of AFL++ installed on the system ( You can download AFL++ source code at
You also can find an .OVF virtual machine with everything already set up for the workshop here
- VM credentials: fuzz/fuzz
After booting the VM, open a terminal and go to
Desktop -> WORKSHOP -> Fuzz 0 -> unrtf
Then, type:
afl-fuzz -i ./tests -o afl-output -- ./bin/unrtf --verbose -P ./lib/unrtf/ @@
If all it's ok, you'll be able to see a lot of AFL crashes :)
- It's a CTF-style hands-on workshop.
- There will be 3 different challenges. The goal is to find a reproducible bug on each of them.
- We're looking for exploitable vulnerabilities. In order to be the winner of a challenge, you must provide a crash/PoC. "Theoretical bugs" or code warnings are not welcome, sorry.
- Challenges are intended to be solved by fuzzing, but creative approaches will be encouraged.
- During the workshop you will be able to ask me any questions you might have (via Telegram at xxxxxxxxxxxxx). Please don't share solutions while the challenge is live.
- I will give you some hints and tips before and during the challenge.
- After each challenge, I will show my solution and I will explain it to you.
- There may be more than one correct solution.
The winner of each challenge will receive a coupon to spend in GitHub Shop. Second place will also be awarded.
gcc HackFest1.c -lcrypto -lssl -w -o hackfest1
./hackfest1 ./AFL/afl_in/file1 output.ppm
gcc HackFest2.c -w -o hackfest2
./hackfest2 Example.xml