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3. Trust Region SQP method

Antonio Horta Ribeiro edited this page Aug 25, 2017 · 5 revisions

Along this week I intend to implement the Byrd-Omojokun Trust-Region SQP method (Algorithm 18.4 from [1]).

This SQP method (which is another substep of the more general interior point method) solve the equality-constrained nonlinear programming problem:

min f(x)

subject to: c(x) = 0

for which f(x) and c(x) are nonlinear functions.

In order to do so, at each substep it solve the trust-region equality-constrained QP problem:

min 1/2 x.T H x + g.T x
subject to:   A x - b = 0
               ||x|| <= delta
                lb <= x <= ub

for which:

  • H is the Hessian of the Lagrangian;
  • g is the objective function gradient;
  • A is the Jacobian matrix of the constraints;
  • b is the constraint, all evaluated at the given point.

The implementation will be based in [1], pp.547-549, and in [2]:

  • Theoretical revision
  • Read sections 18.1-18.5 from Nocedal and Wrigth book [1].
  • Read paper [2];
  • Write blog post about the method.
  • Implementation
  • Implement variation of Byrd-Omojokun Trust-Region SQP (description in [1] p.549).
    • Implement function for computing least-squares Lagrange multipliers (description in [2] p. 883);
    • Solve QP subproblem using previously implemented functions;
    • Implement scheme for choosing penalty parameter of merit function (description in [2] p. 891);
    • Compute reduction ratio (description in [2] p. 892);
    • Implement trust-region logic (description in [2] p. 892);
    • Second order corrections schemes (description in [2] p. 892);
  • Debug
  • Find why optimality is not so low as the reported result from KNITRO;
  • Testing
  • Unittest;
    • ELEC;
    • Example 15.4 from Nocedal/Wright book.
  • Test on problems from CUTEst.
    • ELEC.
    • CHANNEL.
    • HAGER2.
    • HAGER3.
    • DTOC1ND.
    • DTOC2.
    • DTOC3.
    • DTOC4.
    • DTOC5.
    • DTOC6.
    • EIGENA2.
    • EIGENC2.
    • ARTIF.
    • BRATU3D.


[1]   Nocedal, Jorge, and Stephen J. Wright. "Numerical optimization" Second Edition (2006).

[2]    Byrd, Richard H., Mary E. Hribar, and Jorge Nocedal. "An interior point algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming." SIAM Journal on Optimization 9.4 (1999): 877-900.

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