This project is built using HTML, CSS, and JS. This project sorting visualizer is a very simple UI and it allows the users to select the sort algorithm, select the array size, and speed of the visualization.
Implemented Sorting Algorithms:
- Bubble Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Selction Sort
- Merge Sort
- Qucik Sort
- Heap Sort
- Colored representation of step being executed. 1.1) Blue:default 1.2) Yellow: Being compared 1.3) Red: Identified as in incorrect position and to be moved 1.4) Green: In correct position
- 3 Controls for visualizations 2.1) Speed of visualization (5 speed levels) 2.2) Data size () 2.3) Generation of new data (Randomly generate new data).
- Time and Space complexity of algorithm being visualized.
Take a look at live version: