🔭 Full-stack developer with a passion for Frontend .
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Softwares.
🤝 I’m looking for help with SAAS.
🌱 I’m currently learning machine learning.
📫 You can reach me here: anujsbhuyar@gmail.com
portfolio: Anuj Bhuyar
- 21 Bubbles - Agency (freelance portfolio)
- Ai Forms - Ai form generator
- Brotein Bistro - Brotein Bistro cafe website (client)
- Brotein Bistro SaaS - Brotein Bistro SaaS (client)
- AI Tools - AI tools list (self)
- Digi Palettes - Agency (intern)
- Lifetime Value Redesign - Redesigned parts of UI for The Lifetime Value Co. (LTV)
- Nyaysutra - SIH Landing Page
- HireSync - Resume generator landing page (client)