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Calico IPv6

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@aojea aojea released this 11 Apr 20:00
· 315 commits to aojea/ipv6 since this release

This release allows creating IPv6 Kubernetes clusters with kind, it adds a new option ipFamily to the v1alpha3 API that allows choosing the IP family of the cluster.

To avoid issues with the different networking options the podSubnet and the serviceSubnet kubeadm values are predefined with the following values:

	DefaultPodSubnet          = ""
	DefaultServicesSubnet     = ""
	DefaultPodSubnetIPv6      = "fd00:100:64::/64"
	DefaultServicesSubnetIPv6 = "fd00:10:96::/112"

Kind uses Calico as CNI network plugin

We can create a Kubernetes IPv6 cluster with the following config:

# necessary for conformance
kind: Cluster
  ipFamily: ipv6
# the control plane node
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker