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An array programming language with a focus on tacit programming and expressivity


Definition = Identifier '::' Expression
           | Identifier Identifier '::' Expression
           | Identifier Identifier Identifier '::' Expression

Expression = Monadic
           | Dyadic
           | Value

Value      = Atom
           | MonadComp
           | DyadComp

MonadComp  = ( Atom | DyadComp ) '.' ( Atom | DyadComp | MonadComp )

DyadComp   = ( Atom | DyadComp ) ':' Atom

Atom       = Identifier
           | Literal
           | Immediate
           | '(' Expression ')'

Immediate  = '!' Atom

Literal    = Number ( ',' Number )*

Monadic    = Value ( Value | Dyadic )

Dyadic     = Value Value ( Value | Dyadic )

Number     = /[-+]?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?(e[-+]?[0-9]+)?/

Identifier = /[^.:,()!]+/

Note: the DyadComp rule is left-recursive. This might be an issue while generating parsers for the grammar.

For example the string - 1 (foo : bar . baz) 3, 4, 5 would parse to:

        Value Identifier '-'
            Value Atom Literal 1
                        Atom Identifier 'foo'
                        Atom Identifier 'bar'
                    Atom Identifier 'baz'
            Value Atom Literal '3, 4, 5'

Semantic Meaning of language constructs

  • Literals and Identifiers are scalar values, arrays or variable names. variables may evaluate to scalar values, arrays, or functions.

  • Monadic expressions indicate function composition, where any non-function object is treated as a function of no arguments;

For example if baz $: (A \times B) \to C$ and foo $: C \to D$ then (foo bar) $: (A \times B) \to C$.

Any scalar of type $T$ is equivalent for the purpose of composition to a function of type $\{\emptyset\} \to T$.

  • Dyadic expressions indicate composition of a two-argument function, with the same rules as before for composition with scalars.

For example if foo $: \Omega \le (A \times B) \to C$, bar $: \Theta \le (A \times B) \to D$, baz $:(C \times D) \to E$ then (foo baz bar) $: (A \times B) \to D$ provided that $\le$ is the relation of being a quotient of the product set, and that $(A \times B)$ is chosen minimally.

a concrete example would be: foo $: (\mathbb N \times \mathbb Q) \to \mathbb R$ bar $: (\{\emptyset\} \times \mathbb Q) \to \mathbb R$ baz $: (\mathbb R \times \mathbb R) \to \mathbb C$ (foo baz bar) $: (\mathbb N \times \mathbb Q) \to \mathbb C$

where we can see that foo takes an argument in the whole set $(\mathbb N \times \mathbb Q)$, while bar only takes the component in $\mathbb Q$, and the minimal product space containing the domains of both foo and bar is $(\mathbb N \times \mathbb Q)$.

  • MonadComp is syntactic sugar for Monadic: foo . bar is equivalent to (foo bar) and its associativity can be used to avoid using lots of parentheses: foo . bar . baz . fee 10 is equivalent to foo (bar (baz (fee 10)))

  • DyadComp is syntactic sugar for Dyadic: foo : bar is equivalent to (foo bar ->) where -> is the identity function.

  • Immediate turns the contained Atom into a non-function value. This is useful for higher order functions: For example (foo !bar) baz indicates applying to baz the function returned from foo applied to bar.

  • Definitions bind the Expression on the right to the Identifiers on the left, pattern-matching them as a Monadic or Dyadic expression.

For example if there are three identifiers, the middle one is used as a bind name, while the left and right are the formal left and right arguments and are available in the definition body.

Operator precedence

operator name precedence associativity
:: define 0 ---
apply 1 right
. monadic 2 left
: dyadic 3 left
, enlist 4 left
! immediate 5 ---


symbol monadic dyadic
* square multiplication (AND)
+ identity addition (OR)
- arithmetic negation subtraction
~ 1's complement (NOT) mismatch (XOR)
| --- rotate
-> identity right argument
<- --- left argument
/ --- reduce
\ --- scan


name type explicit definition tacit definition (explicit) tacit definition (operators)
increment monadic inc x :: 1 + x inc :: 1 + -> inc :: 1:+
successive diff monadic diff x :: (1 | x) - x diff :: (1 | ->) - -> diff :: (1:|):-


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