Main changes
- #76 Async Zookeeper cache implementation
- #105 Support topic lookup using pulsar binary protocol
- #164 Fixed handling failure of unloading namespace bundle
- #166 Support websocket proxy deployment without passing globalZK
- #161 Fixed avoiding creation of duplicate replicator
- #160 Add support uri encoding on broker admin rest api
- #143 Include DataSketches metrics provider for bookie stats
- #127 Updated BK- to include bookie/bookkeeper-client bug-fixes and DataSketch metrics provider
- #124 Consumer-stats: Add blockedConsumer flag
- #95 Consumer-stats: Add message redelivery rate
- #123 Fixed Batch message replication
- #106 Fixed Partitioned consumer should avoid blocking call to fill shared queue
- #139 Support online consumer cursor reset
- #187 Support custom advertised address in pulsar standalone
Full list of changes