A simple command line project developed in C++ for encryption and decryption of text in a given image. {College project}
System requirements:
- RAM - 1GB or above
- HDD space - 1GB or above
- Processor - Dual core or newer
- Operating system - Any Linux based operating system (Developed and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit)
- C++(11 standard) with GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) version 7 or above
- OpenCV, OpenSSL, gtkmm
- To install OpenCV, execute script 'OPENCV.SH' in directory 'Install script (OpenCV library)'. This script tested to be worked on Ubuntu system (.deb based). If you have Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora (.rpm based) (or Arch linux) this may not work, you have to change commands valid with respective package managers for the linux distribution you are using.
- File with name 'test' is the one which contain a sample message for encryption, you can change file or message or both. 'mi_wall.jpg' is a sample image.
- Check 'Makefile', documentation of project in 'Documentation' directory.