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CocoaPods Compatible Carthage compatible



github "Aplazame/ios-sdk"

Then run carthage update.

Follow the current instructions in Carthage's README for up to date installation instructions.

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Aplazame-iOS-SDK'

Then run pod install with CocoaPods 1.0 or newer.

How to use

First at all add the following permissions (Privacy - Camera Usage Description and Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description) to your main application info.plist:


Then you need to create an instance of APZPaymentContext with the APZConfig object:

let config = APZConfig(accessToken: token, environment: .sandbox)

let paymentContext = APZPaymentContext(config: APZConfig(accessToken: "your-token-here", environment: .sandbox | .production))

Now you can check if Aplazame is available for your order. The best way to do it is to call:

paymentContext.checkAvailability(amount: 12050, currency: "EUR") { (status) in
  switch status {
    case .available:
      // Enable checkout button for instance
    case .notAvailable, .undefined:
      // Hide the checkout button for instance

After this check you need to request the checkout presentation. AplazameSDK needs 3 objects ito do this:

  • checkout: it is the checkout id returned by Aplazame to your server.
  • delegate: class that will receive payment flow callbacks.
  • onReady: will be called when the checkout is ready to be presented.
// Start activity indicator
paymentContext.requestCheckout(checkout: checkout, delegate: self, onReady: { vc in
  // Stop activity indicator
  self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

or the SDK provides a helper method with a default presentation:

// Start activity indicator
paymentContext.requestCheckout(from: self, checkout: checkout_id, delegate: self, onPresent: {
     // Stop activity indicator       

Check the demo project to see an example of their use.

Next, you will need an object that conform to APZPaymentContextDelegate protocol. This object will receive the following calls:

extension ViewController: APZPaymentContextDelegate {
  func checkoutDidClose(checkoutVC: UIViewController, with reason: APZCheckoutCloseReason) {
    print("checkoutDidCloseWithReason \(reason.rawValue)")
    checkoutVC.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
  func checkoutStatusChanged(with status: APZCheckoutStatus) {
    print("checkoutStatusChanged \(status.rawValue)")


Aplazame is Copyright (c) 2017 Aplazame, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
