- etxracting a particular block of alignment from the genome alignment
- extract a region specific block and write the block alignment.
[gauravsablok@ultramarine]~/Desktop/codecreatede/golang-alignment-block-getter% \
go run main.go -h
This estimates the site proportion in your whole genome or gene specific alignment
flags [flags]
-a, --alignmentfile string a alignment file (default "align")
-e, --endcoordinate int end of the alignment block (default 40)
-h, --help help for flags
-s, --startcoordinate int start of the alignment block (default 1)
[gauravsablok@ultramarine]~/Desktop/codecreatede/golang-alignment-block-getter% \
go run main.go -a ./samplefile/samplealignment.fasta -s 1 -e 10
>ENA|OX291461|OX291461.1 AACTATC--
>ENA|OX291509|OX291509.1 CTC----TC
Gaurav Sablok