The repository contains:
- A quarto book that renders the case study website
- The single case studies files containing the necessary data/files to follow the case studies
The project is the case_studies.Rproj file in the root folder. The quarto file index.qmd renders the book, which has the following components:
- intro.qmd with the introduction to the case studies
- references.qmd with the bibliography used
- summary with a summary of the aim and objectives of the case studies
- oswego-es.qmd with the Oswego case study (in Spanish)
- fulton-en.qmd with the Fulton case study (in English)
The case studies book output can be seen opening the index.html
These folder contains the material to be downloaded by participants to follow the case studies. They are classified according to the language used in the subfolder names "cs". Each case study contains:
- A project file
- A data subfolder
- A subfolder with the solution materials
The template to be used by case study creators. The cs_template.qmd file contains the code that renders the cs_template.html output. This file contains all the instructions to create a case study that is coherent with the style and structure of Applied Epi case studies.