Send hints to Google analytics with no java script, server side.
Server Side Google Analytics (SSGA) is a simple PHP 5 class, which allows to track server-side events and data within Google Analytics.
create new ssga object include 'lib/ss-ga.class.php'; $ssga = new ssga( 'UA-YOUR_NUMBER', '' );
Set a pageview $ssga->set_page( '/page.php' ); $ssga->set_page_title( 'Page Title' );
Send $ssga->send();
Set an event (based on
//$ssga as created above $ssga->send_event( 'Feed', 'Categories', $label, $value );
Ecommerce tracking (
$ssga_step1 = new ssga( 'UA-12345678-1','' ); //$transaction_id, $affiliation, $total, $tax, $shipping, $curency $ssga_step1->send_transaction("20159527001", "MXP", 280, 0, 80,"EUR");
$ssga_step2 = new ssga( 'UA-12345678-1','' ); //$transaction_id, $sku, $product_name, $variation, $unit_price, $quantity $ssga_step2->send_item("20159527001", "1229001", "TEST-PRODUCT", "", 50, 4);