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Introducing the Next.js App Router Starter Template! πŸš€ Fast-track Next.js app development with pre-configured essentials like fonts, services, and API routes. 🎨 Simplify dynamic routing, streamline state management with Redux and Zustand, and ensure robust architecture with Formik and Yup. πŸ—οΈ Build scalable, maintainable apps effortlessly!

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🌐 Zenkoders | Project Structure - Next.js

πŸ“ public

  • assets: This folder contains all the static files such as images, icons, fonts, etc., used across the application.

πŸ“‚ src

This is the core folder of the application where all the logic, components, and business modules reside.

🧩 components

  • Purpose: Components are the reusable building blocks of the UI. Each component should be small, manageable, and focused on one thing.


    • Button

      • index.tsx: Defines the button component and its related logic.
    • HigherOrderComponent (HOC)

      • index.tsx: Wraps other components to add extra functionality.

🌍 State Management (Context API / Redux / Zustand)

  • Purpose: Manages the global state of the application. Based on the state management library of choice (e.g., Redux, Zustand, or Context API), store files and logic reside here.

    Add your state management files here.

πŸ“ mocks

  • Purpose: Mock data files used to simulate data during development or testing phases without connecting to real APIs.

    Add mock data files here.

βš™οΈ hooks

  • Purpose: Custom hooks are used to encapsulate and reuse logic in various components.

    Add your custom hooks here.

πŸ“¦ libs

  • Purpose: Contains custom libraries or utility classes that can be reused throughout the app. For instance, helpers for calculations, formatting, etc.

    Add custom libraries here.

πŸ› οΈ providers

  • Purpose: Defines providers for various functionalities such as global state (Redux, Context API), themes, or notification services. These are injected in \_app.tsx to wrap the entire application.


    • Toaster Provider
    • Theme Provider
    • Redux Provider

πŸ›‚ Schema

  • Purpose: This folder holds the schema definitions for forms (Formik, Yup, React Hook Form) and Next.js API models, if needed.


    • Form Validation with Yup.
    • Database schema for backend modules.

πŸ“„ pages

This is where the routes and page components of your Next.js app are defined.

  • api: API routes for server-side functionality.

    • index.tsx: Main entry for API routes.
  • users

    • [uid].tsx: Dynamic user pages.
    • index.tsx: User listing or homepage.
  • auth

    • login.tsx: Login page for user authentication.
    • register.tsx: Registration page for user signup.

🎨 styles

  • Purpose: Contains global CSS, theme, and styling files. Use this folder for custom styles and to manage your theme settings.


    • global.css: Global styles applied across the application.

πŸ›‘ types

  • Purpose: Defines type definitions, interfaces, and enums that are used throughout the app, ensuring type safety with TypeScript.


    • interfaces
      • user.interface.ts: Defines the structure of a user object.
    • enums
      • subscriptionStatus.enum.ts: Enumerates the possible subscription statuses.

πŸ”§ utils

  • Purpose: Utility functions or helper methods that can be reused throughout the app. These are often small, focused functions like date formatting, string manipulation, etc.

    Add utility functions here.

βš™οΈ config

  • Purpose: Configuration files such as app settings, environment settings, and theme configuration.


    • Fonts configuration.
    • API base URLs for different environments.
    • Theme settings.

πŸ–₯️ services

  • Purpose: Handles all API calls, setting up base URLs, and managing backend requests.


    • API.ts: Defines API call logic.
    • AxiosRequests.ts: Manages HTTP requests using Axios.

πŸ–ΌοΈ views

  • Purpose: Contains the pages of your application. Each folder under views represents a page or module.


    • Registration
      • index.tsx: Registration page view.

πŸ“‚ Project Files

  • .env.example: Example environment file for reference.
  • .env.staging: Environment variables for staging.
  • .env.production: Environment variables for production.
  • .gitignore: Defines what files should be ignored by Git.
  • next.config.js: Configuration settings for the Next.js app.
  • package.json: Metadata about the project and dependencies.
  • The project's main documentation file.


Introducing the Next.js App Router Starter Template! πŸš€ Fast-track Next.js app development with pre-configured essentials like fonts, services, and API routes. 🎨 Simplify dynamic routing, streamline state management with Redux and Zustand, and ensure robust architecture with Formik and Yup. πŸ—οΈ Build scalable, maintainable apps effortlessly!





