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OTA: chunked download #1558

OTA: chunked download

OTA: chunked download #1558

name: Compile Examples
- ".github/workflows/compile-examples.yml"
- "examples/**"
- "src/**"
- ".github/workflows/compile-examples.yml"
- "examples/**"
- "src/**"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# libraries to install for all boards
# Install the ArduinoIoTCloud library from the repository
- source-path: ./
- name: Arduino_ConnectionHandler
- name: ArduinoHttpClient
- name: Arduino_DebugUtils
- name: ArduinoMqttClient
- name: Arduino_SecureElement
# sketch paths to compile (recursive) for all boards
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Advanced
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Basic
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Callbacks
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Schedule
- examples/utility/ArduinoIoTCloud_Travis_CI
SKETCHES_REPORTS_PATH: sketches-reports
fail-fast: false
- fqbn: arduino:samd:mkr1000
type: mkr1000
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-samd-mkr1000
- fqbn: arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010
type: nina
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-samd-mkrwifi1010
- fqbn: arduino:samd:nano_33_iot
type: nina
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-samd-nano_33_iot
- fqbn: arduino:samd:mkrwan1300
type: wan
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-samd-mkrwan1300
- fqbn: arduino:samd:mkrgsm1400
type: gsm
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-samd-mkrgsm1400
- fqbn: arduino:samd:mkrnb1500
type: nb
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-samd-mkrnb1500
- fqbn: arduino:mbed_portenta:envie_m7
type: mbed_portenta
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-mbed_portenta-envie_m7
- fqbn: esp8266:esp8266:huzzah
type: esp8266
artifact-name-suffix: esp8266-esp8266-huzzah
- fqbn: esp32:esp32:esp32
type: esp32
artifact-name-suffix: esp32-esp32-esp32
- fqbn: arduino:mbed_nano:nanorp2040connect
type: nina
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-mbed_nano-nanorp2040connect
- fqbn: arduino:mbed_nicla:nicla_vision
type: mbed_nicla
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-mbed_nicla-nicla_vision
- fqbn: arduino:mbed_opta:opta
type: mbed_opta
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-mbed_opta-opta
- fqbn: arduino:mbed_giga:giga
type: mbed_giga
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-mbed_giga-giga
- fqbn: arduino:renesas_portenta:portenta_c33
type: renesas_portenta
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-renesas_portenta-portenta_c33
- fqbn: arduino:renesas_uno:unor4wifi
type: renesas_uno
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-renesas_uno-unor4wifi
- fqbn: arduino:esp32:nano_nora
type: arduino_esp32
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-esp32-nano_nora
- fqbn: arduino:mbed_edge:edge_control
type: mbed_edge
artifact-name-suffix: arduino-mbed_edge-edge_control
# make board type-specific customizations to the matrix jobs
# MKR 1000
- board:
type: mkr1000
platforms: |
# Install samd platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:samd
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
- name: RTCZero
- name: WiFi101
- source-url:
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# MKR WiFi 1010, Nano 33 IoT, Nano RP2040 Connect
- board:
type: nina
platforms: |
# Install samd and mbed_nano platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:samd
- name: arduino:mbed_nano
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
- name: RTCZero
- name: WiFiNINA
- name: Arduino_JSON
- source-url:
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
- examples/utility/SelfProvisioning
- board:
type: wan
platforms: |
# Install samd platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:samd
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
- name: RTCZero
- name: MKRWAN
- source-url:
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
# GSM boards
- board:
type: gsm
platforms: |
# Install samd platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:samd
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
- name: RTCZero
- name: MKRGSM
- source-url:
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# NB boards
- board:
type: nb
platforms: |
# Install samd platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:samd
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
- name: RTCZero
- name: MKRNB
- source-url:
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# Portenta
- board:
type: mbed_portenta
platforms: |
# Install mbed_portenta platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:mbed_portenta
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Arduino_Cellular
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# Nicla Vision
- board:
type: mbed_nicla
platforms: |
# Install mbed_nicla platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:mbed_nicla
libraries: |
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# Opta
- board:
type: mbed_opta
platforms: |
# Install mbed_opta platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:mbed_opta
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
- board:
type: mbed_giga
platforms: |
# Install mbed_giga platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:mbed_giga
libraries: |
- name: ArduinoECCX08
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# Portenta C33
- board:
type: renesas_portenta
platforms: |
# Install renesas_portenta platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:renesas_portenta
libraries: |
- name: Arduino_Cellular
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- examples/utility/Provisioning
# UNO R4 WiFi
- board:
type: renesas_uno
platforms: |
# Install renesas_uno platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:renesas_uno
libraries: |
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
# Nano ESP32
- board:
type: arduino_esp32
platforms: |
# Install arduino_esp32 platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:esp32
libraries: |
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
# Edge Control
- board:
type: mbed_edge
platforms: |
# Install mbed_edge platform via Boards Manager
- name: arduino:mbed_edge
libraries: |
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
# ESP8266 boards
- board:
type: esp8266
platforms: |
# Install ESP8266 platform via Boards Manager
- name: esp8266:esp8266
# Use the version currently installed in Arduino Cloud
version: 2.5.0
# ESP32 boards
- board:
type: esp32
platforms: |
# Install ESP32 platform via Boards Manager
- name: esp32:esp32
libraries: |
- name: Blues Wireless Notecard
sketch-paths: |
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-DeferredOTA
- examples/ArduinoIoTCloud-Notecard
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install ESP32 platform dependencies
if: matrix.board.type == 'esp32'
run: pip3 install pyserial
- name: Compile examples
uses: arduino/compile-sketches@v1
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
platforms: ${{ matrix.platforms }}
fqbn: ${{ matrix.board.fqbn }}
libraries: |
${{ matrix.libraries }}
sketch-paths: |
${{ matrix.sketch-paths }}
enable-deltas-report: "true"
sketches-report-path: ${{ env.SKETCHES_REPORTS_PATH }}
- name: Write data to size trends report spreadsheet
# Update report on every push to the master branch
if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
uses: arduino/report-size-trends@main
sketches-report-path: ${{ env.SKETCHES_REPORTS_PATH }}
google-key-file: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_KEY_FILE }}
spreadsheet-id: 1I6NZkpZpf8KugBkE92adB1Z3_b7ZepOpCdYTOigJpN4
- name: Save memory usage change report as artifact
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: sketches-report-${{ matrix.board.artifact-name-suffix }}
path: ${{ env.SKETCHES_REPORTS_PATH }}