Arduino 1.5.5 BETA
NOTICE: The 1.5 library format is under heavy review on the Arduino Developers mailing list.
We suggest to delay the adoption of the new format until a stable 1.5.x is released.
- Added missing keywords: YunServer, YunClient, pow
- Improved folder ignore: now hidden, starting with a dot, and SCCS folders are ignored
- Improved auto format: now handled by Artistic Style
- Improved SSH uploader (Arduino Yun): uses file ~/.ssh/config if available.
Allows public key only authentication and ssh servers listening on ports other than 22. - Font anti-aliasing now ON by default (users will have to either delete or manually edit their preferences.txt file)
- Added warning message when opening sketches with additional files with illegal names
- (windows) Upgraded embedded Java runtime to version 7: much faster startup
- Improved files open/save dialogs
- Added line numbers, can be enabled/disabled from preferences (Cayci Gorlitsky)
- Removed check on forbidden file in 1.5 formatted libraries (#1692)
- (windows) Updated msys-1.0.dll to the latest version (Windows 8.1 compatibility)
- Using [code] tag instead of [quote] in "Copy for forum". Removed color coding.
- When an hardware addon reference another core also the libraries are referenced.
- It's now possible to specify additional custom board parameters from command line.
- Sketches path can be relative (#1493)
- Example and Boards are now scrollable.
- Fixed localization issues that sometimes prevented the IDE to start.
- Added "Using library..." debugging message in verbose compile.
- Improved preprocessor (fixes #1653, #1687, #817, #1293, #1245)
- Fixed StringStartsWithEndsWith, KeyboardMessage, LCD CustomCharacter, Blink without delay, SD List files, Arduino Robot examples
- Added PID/VID for older Arduinos
- (mac) Improved board autodetection on Mac OS X
- Bridge: Fixed buffer overflow in File::doBuffer() (dreggy)
- Bridge: Fixed timeout in Bridge::transfer()
- Bridge: Fixed return value of Bridge::get(..) (returning 0 with valid data len >0)
- Bridge: Implemented multi-byte File::read(..)
- sam: Fixed SPI initialization (when using extended API and multiple CS)
- Partially fixed the behavior of EthernetClient::flush(), now it doesn't discard
incoming data BUT it doesn't wait for outgoing data to be successfully transmitted. - Esplora: Added support for display GREENTAB_L
- sam: Fixed wrong initialization for ADC timings (analogRead speed Arduino DUE improved by a factor x10)
( - avr: Fixed wrong extended fuses on Arduino Yún when using external programmer
- Added LED_BUILTIN metadata in variant files
- avr: Refactored Mega* variants definitions in boards.txt (Kristian Sloth Lauszus)
- avr: Removed File object destructor. In order to free memory allocated by a File object the safest way is to call its close() method
- Added digitalPinToInterrupt variant macro (Paul Stoffregen)
- avr: added variant file for Arduino Ethernet
- Added SERIAL_* metadata in variants files (Paul Stoffregen)