Features | Technologies | Installation
This is a virtual bookshelf web application. You can create your account and start registering your books.
Some key features are:
- Functional application with ReactJS.
- Front-end state management done with Redux and Redux Saga.
- Authentication system made with JWT.
- UI built with Styled Components and React Icons.
- Light and Dark theme.
- Forms optimized and validated by Unform and Yup.
- Custom alerts with React Toastify and React Laag.
- Avatar upload for your user and your book covers.
- Type checking using PropTypes.
- List animation with Framer Motion.
- Local debugging connected with Reactotron.
The application is built using ReactJS and Redux. Data is provided by a proprietary API, in this repository. The user interface is built with Styled Components. The entire codebase is written using Javascript.
Checkout the API Live version hosted on:
You also can check the complete Application Live version hosted on:
This is what I used and learned with this project:
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Redux Saga
- Styled Components
- React Icons
- Framer Motion
- Polished
- Unform
- Yup
- React Toastify
- React Laag
- Immer
- Axios
- Eslint
- Prettier
- PropTypes
- Javascript
To use this project, first you need NodeJS and the API running in your device, then you can follow the commands below:
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/areasflavio/bookshelf-manager.git
# Go into the repository
cd bookshelf-manager/web
# Install dependencies for the application
yarn install
# Copy the .env.example to the .env file and inject your credentials
cp .env.example .env
# To start the development server, run the following command
yarn start
Build by Flávio Arêas 👋 Get in touch!