These are the config files to set up a system so I feel comfortable using it.
Currently running Fedora as my distro and GNOME as my DE.
To quickly set-up different workstations using the same config across them, I used Ansible.
Install it and then run:
ansible-playbook installation.yml --ask-become-pass
The playbook is a bit of a mess and could be refactored into different tasks but it works for my use.
Each task has a tag so it can be run individually. To do so:
ansible-playbook installation.yml --tags "nameoftag" --ask-become-pass
If using an AMD system, install the Mesa drivers from the freeworld
repositories. This restores the hardware acceleration functionality, disabled some time ago for legal reasons:
$ sudo dnf install mesa-va-drivers-freeworld
$ sudo dnf mesa-vdpau-drivers-freeworld
I use powerlevel10k as my zsh theme. The installation is manual, and the only thing I do different from the provided instructions is that I clone the repository into a hidden folder, like so:
git clone --depth=1 ~/.powerlevel10k