This project is a voting application and algorithm based Equal Shares
For Ariel University
- equal-shares
- Authors
- python - As programming language for the backend
- conda - For managing python environment
- poetry - For managing python dependencies
- FastAPI - As framework for the backend
- uvicorn - For running the backend usinn ASGI
- PostgresSQL - As database
- docker - For running the services
- docker compose - For running the services
- Nginx - For handling SSL and routing different domains to thier services
- React - As framework for the frontend
- TypeScript - As programming language for the frontend
- Vite - As build tool for the frontend
- Tailwind CSS - For styling the frontend
- MUI - As UI library for the frontend
- GitHub Actions - For running the CI
- eslint, prettier - For linting and formatting the frontend
- isort, black, flake8, mypy - For linting and formatting the backend
- pytest, doctest - For testing the backend
- python 3.12 (with poetry 1.7.1)
- node 21
- PostgresSQL 16
- .github
- workflows
- ci.yml - Running the CI
- workflows
- backend - The backend API
- examples - examples of usage of the algorithm
- algorithm - examples of the algorithm of equal shares running with logs.
For debugging and understanding the core algorithm
- algorithm - examples of the algorithm of equal shares running with logs.
- src
- algorithm - the algorithm of equal shares
- routers
- admin - routes for managmenet
- form - routes for the frontend
- report - routes for the reports of the votes and the algorithm
- the entry of the backend application using CLI- - the application of the backend that used by uvicorn
- cli - CLI commands for the backend
- - contains the configuration of the backend. uses environment variables
- - database connection
- - custom exceptions
- - logging configuration
- - models and queries for comunicating with the database
- - schemas of the API
- - security functions
- tests - tests of the backend, same structure as
- Dockerfile - for building the images of the backend
- equal-shares-api-private-key.pem - private RSA key for the API for local development, ignored in git
- equal-shares-api-public-key.pem - public RSA key for the API for local development, ignored in git
- Makefile - commands for development
- poetry.lock - lock file of the dependencies, dont change manually
- pyproject.toml - configuration and poetry dependencies
- examples - examples of usage of the algorithm
- docs - documentation and spesification files
- frontend - The frontend application
- public - static files
- src
- assets - images and icons
- components
- api.ts - for using the backend API
- App.tsx - the main component
- config.ts - configuration of the frontend at build time
- main.tsx - the entry of the frontend application
- schema.ts - schemas of the API
- Dockerfile - for building the images of the frontend
- package-lock.json - lock file of the dependencies, dont change manually
- package.json - dependencies and commands for development
- prod - files for production server
- db
- pg_hba-original.conf - original pg_hba.conf of PostgresSQL
- pg_hba.conf - configuration of the PostgresSQL
- frontend
- default-original.conf - original ` default.conf of Nginx
- default.conf - configuration of the Nginx for the frontend container
- nginx
- default - Nginx configuration for the server
- backend.env - environment variables for the backend service, will copy to /app/backend.env
- db.env - environment variables for the database service, will copy to /app/db.env
- frontend.env - environment variables for build the frontend, will copy to /app/frontend.env
- db
- res - resources
- scripts - scripts for production
- - building the services
- - checking that the backend can connect to the database
- - pulling the latest version of the code, build the services and restart the services
- - renewing the SSL Certificate
- - copying the environment files to the /app directory
- - restarting the services
- wp
- functions.php - A PHP code for adding the vote website inside
as Elementor widget. For WordPress
- functions.php - A PHP code for adding the vote website inside
- dev.docker-compose.yml - for local development
- environment.yml - conda environment
- LICENSE - MIT license
- Makefile - commands for development
- prod.docker-compose.yml - for production
- - this file
- test.docker-compose.yml - for local testing
- windows-serve.bat - script for running the services locally in Windows
- windows-test.bat - script for running the tests locally in Windows
- /app - the root directory of the project
- backend.env - environment variables for the backend service (container)
- db.env - environment variables for the database service (container)
- equal-shares - the project directory
- frontend.env - environment variables for build the frontend image
- keys
- equal-shares-api-private-key.pem - private RSA key for the API
- equal-shares-api-public-key.pem - public RSA key for the API
- /etc
- letsencrypt
- live
- cert.pem
- chain.pem
- fullchain.pem
- privkey.pem
- live
- nginx
- sites-available
- default - Nginx configuration
- sites-enabled
- default - Nginx configuration
- sites-available
- letsencrypt
- /root - Home directory
- certbot-creds.ini - credentials for the SSL Certificate
Table of the required environment variables for the backend:
Variable | Description |
PG_DATABASE | PostgresSQL database name |
PG_USER | PostgresSQL user |
PG_PASSWORD | PostgresSQL password |
PG_HOST | PostgresSQL host |
ADMIN_KEY | uuid for admin key |
API_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY | path to public RSA key for API |
API_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY | path to private RSA key for API |
Table of the optional environment variables for the backend:
Variable | Description | Default |
PG_PORT | PostgresSQL port | 5432 |
WITHOUT_AUTH_MODE | for using without authentication | false |
Table of the required environment variables for the frontend, they used at build time:
Variable | Description |
VITE_API_HOST | API backend host |
VITE_WITHOUT_AUTH_MODE | for using without authentication |
Table of the required environment variables for the database:
Variable | Description |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | Password for PostgresSQL |
Table of the optional environment variables for the database:
Variable | Description | Default |
POSTGRES_USER | defualt user | postgres |
POSTGRES_DB | defualt database name | postgres |
flowchart LR
react(voting website) --> main-domain
react(voting website) --> api-sub-domain
admin(admin dashbord) --> api-sub-domain
subgraph Server
subgraph docker-containers
backend --> PostgresSQL
main-domain -->|Nginx| frontend
api-sub-domain -->|Nginx| backend
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git
Verify installation:
git --version
# Add Docker's official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc # Add the repository to Apt sources: echo \ "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update # Install Docker packages: sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
Set up Docker:
# Start the Docker service sudo systemctl start docker # Verify that Docker is running sudo systemctl status docker # Enable Docker to start on boot sudo systemctl enable docker # Verify the installation sudo docker run hello-world
- conda
- node 21.5.0
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd equal-shares
Generate or copy the RSA keys for the API:
To generate new keys:
cd backend ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f equal-shares-api-private-key.pem mv equal-shares-api-public-key.pem cd ..
Alternatively, if you have existing keys, copy them to:
Run the following command to install and run the services:
sudo docker compose -f dev.docker-compose.yaml up --build
or For Linux / MacOS:
make serve
For Windows, run the script file windows-serve.bat
Run the following commands to install for development:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate equal-shares
cd backend
poetry config virtualenvs.create false
poetry install
cd ../frontend
npm ci
For running the frontend, backend and the database run the following command:
make serve
docker compose -f dev.docker-compose.yaml up --build
or For Windows run the script file windows-serve.bat
The API will run on http://localhost:8000/
In the API Dashbord (Swagger UI) you can see, manage and test the System.
admin_key is key for authentication as admin and you can have it from docker-compose.yml under the environments of backend.
And the frontend will run on http://localhost:5173/
The frontend is a simple form for voting.
For authentication the URL needs the paramters email and token.
You can create a token using /admin/create-token in the API Dashbord.
Creating the database tables:
In the API Dashbord run /admin/create-tables
Change settings:
In the API Dashbord run /admin/set-settings
- max_total_points - the maximum total points a voter can give to all the projects in total
- points_step - a number that points in votes can be divided by.
For example if
is 100, vouter cannot give 150 points to a project but can give 100 or 200 points.
Delete all the projects, votes and vouters:
In the API Dashbord run /admin/delete-projects-and-votes
Delete votes and voters: In the API Dashbord run /admin/delete-votes
Add new projects from XLSX file:
In the API Dashbord run /admin/add-projects
- xlsx_file - the XLSX file with the projects. The columns should be: column 1: name of the project column 2: min points of the project column 3: max points of the project column 4: "description 2" is not in use column 5: "description 1" of the project,
Get the Projects and Settings as JSON format:
In the API Dashbord run /admin/projects
For running the services run the following command:
make serve
or for windows run the script file windows-serve.bat
For clean, safe and maintainable deployment exits number of Linters and Formatters.
- Formaters - are tools that automatically format and fix the code.
- Backend: isort, black
- Frontend: Prettier, ESLint
- Linters - are tools for check the code.
- Backend: flake8, black, mypy
- Frontend: ESLint
Before running the formatter and linters, make sure conda environment is activated and node version is 21.5.0
For running the formatters and linters run the following commands:
make fix-lint
For running only the formatters run the following commands:
make fix
For running only the linters run the following commands:
make lint
or for windows run the script file windows-lint.bat
Note: In windows we do not support formatters
For running the tests run the following command:
make test
Or for windows run the script file windows-test.bat
In backend/examples
directory you can find examples of how
to run the algorithm for reasearch and debugging.
In the API call
that is Facade for the algorithm module and not directly the algorithm.
For running examples of the algorithm of equal shares run the following command:
make examples-run-algorithm
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For updating the services the following command will:
- pull the last version of the repository
- update files permissions
- build the services
- restart the services
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For reset the environment variables files by copying the files to the /app directory run the following command:
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For building the services run the following command:
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For checking manually that backend can connect to the database run the following command:
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For renewing the SSL Certificate run the following command:
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For view all the services run the following command:
docker ps
For viewing the logs (100 lines) of the backend service run the following command:
docker logs equal-shares-backend-1 --tail 100
For viewing the logs (100 lines) of the frontend service run the following command:
docker logs equal-shares-frontend-1 --tail 100
For viewing the logs (100 lines) of the database service run the following command:
docker logs equal-shares-db-1 --tail 100
- Linux Server with:
- Domain and Sub-Domain - for the Frontend and the API
- DNS API Token for the SSL Certificate certbot (for example DigitalOcean: dns_digitalocean_token)
- RSA keys for the API (equal-shares-api-private-key.pem and equal-shares-api-public-key.pem)
The main domain will be for the websites and the sub-domain will be for the API and the admin dashbord.
In the next steps we will show how to install the project on new production server.
- Use SSH for connecting to the server
- Run the following commands for update server:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
- For install docker and docker compose run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
# Add the repository to Apt sources:
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \
$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
# Install Docker
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
- For check the installation of docker run the following command:
sudo docker run hello-world
- For installing the dependencies for SSL Certificate:
Note: this example is for DigitalOcean, you can use other providers.
You can see other providers in the Certbot Documentation
sudo apt install -y python3-certbot-dns-digitalocean
For checking the installation of certbot run the following command:
certbot --version
certbot plugins
- For installing the project run the following commands:
mkdir /app
cd /app
git clone
- For configuring the environment variables run the following commands:
ash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For creating Admin Key run the following command:
python3 -c "import uuid;print(uuid.uuid4())"
Save the output of the command, this is the Admin Key for managing the API
Copy the output and paste it to the /app/backend.env as value of ADMIN_KEY using nano:
nano /app/backend.env
Use nano for editing VITE_API_HOST in /app/frontend.env
Set the value of VITE_API_HOST to URL of the sub domain of for the API / Admin Dashbord. For example url like:
nano /app/frontend.env
- Run the folowing commands for create directory for the Keys:
mkdir -p /app/keys
- For adding the api RSA keys disconnect the SSH
Copy the RSA keys of the API to production server using the following commands:
Note: replace <server-domain>
with the domain or IP of the server, and you should have the keys in your current directory
scp equal-shares-api-private-key.pem root@<server-domain>:/app/keys/equal-shares-api-private-key.pem
scp equal-shares-api-public-key.pem root@<server-domain>:/app/keys/equal-shares-api-public-key.pem
Connect to the server using SSH
The next steps will be for the SSL Certificate (11 - 12)
You can see the Lets Encrypt Tutorial - DigitalOcean for more information
Run the following command:
nano /root/certbot-creds.ini
And add the following lines to the file:
dns_digitalocean_token = <dns-digitalocean-token>
Replace <dns-digitalocean-token>
with the DNS API Token for the SSL Certificate certbot
And save the file
- For retrieving the SSL Certificate. Run the following command:
sudo certbot certonly \
--dns-digitalocean \
--dns-digitalocean-credentials ~/certbot-creds.ini \
-d '<server-domain>' \
-d '*.<server-domain>'
Note: replace <server-domain>
with the domain of the server
After the command you will have to write email.
Then press Y
, then press N
- Install Nejinx for the server:
sudo apt install -y nginx
- For configuring the Nginx stop the Nginx service and remove the default configuration:
systemctl stop nginx
For removing the default configuration run the following commands:
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/*
Then copy the configuration of the Nginx from the project to the server:
cp /app/equal-shares/prod/nginx/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
Then use nano for editing the configuration:
nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
And replace <server-domain>
with the domain of the server for the website
And replace <sub-server-domain>
with the sub domain of the server for the API / Admin Dashbord
Note: exists 6 places to replace the domain and 2 places to replace the sub domain
Then save the file and run the following commands:
cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
And start the Nginx service:
systemctl start nginx
- Update the permissions of the directories:
chmod 744 /app/**
- For build and start the services run the following commands:
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
- For start the services run the following commands:
bash /app/equal-shares/scripts/
For checking the services open in Browser (like Google Chrome) the domain of the server for the website and the sub domain for the Admin / API Dashbord.
- For creating the database tables open the sub domain of the server for the Admin / API Dashbord
And run the route/admin/create-tables
ca-frontend Original frontend - React
ca-backend Original backend - Django
Final-Project For the algorithm of equal shares - Flask and React
- Bar Nahmias
- Didi Avidad
- Omer Priel