The intention behind creating this website was to simplify the various processes associated with the hostel management. Checking the availability of rooms, allocation of rooms, managing hostel fees, and all such hostel management activities manually consume time, effort, and resources. Moreover, the privacy and security of student information is also an important aspect of hostel management. Keeping in mind all the hostel management concerns of students, Pupils’ Hub is designed and developed. Right from students’ registration to allocating rooms, and transaction fees, it automates all day-to-day hostel activities.
Users can perform the following actions:
- Secure user login to the system
- Viewing/updating personal information
- Viewing announcements
- Hostel application
- Accepted candidates can complete their payment via our payment portal
- For any kind of harassment, they can complain to the hostel authority
Admins can perform the following actions:
- Secure user login to the system
- Viewing and updating personal information
- Creating, viewing, and deleting announcements
- Viewing the pending applications
- Viewing details of room availability
- Approving or rejecting a particular application
- Room allocation (after the successful transaction of the user)
- Reallocation of rooms to students
- Updating the details of the hostelites
- Deleting a hostelite
- Creating new admins
- Removing an admin
Pupils’ Hub has the following user-friendly interfaces -
- Home: To allow visitors to get a brief introduction to our system.
- Sign-Up: To allow newcomers to register themselves into the system.
- Login: Allows authorized users to be a part of the system through a valid email-id and password.
- User Dashboard:
- Profile: allowing users to view their personal information.
- Announcements: allowing users to view any announcements available.
- Apply for Hostel: allowing users to apply for a hostel.
- Payment: allowing users to complete their required payment to admin through Card or any UPI.
- Help & Support: allowing users to lodge a complaint against ragging, cyber-bully, or for any kind of support, users can reach the Hostel Authority.
- Settings: allowing users to modify their personal information or change their password.
- Admin Dashboard:
- Profile: allowing admins to view their personal information.
- Announcements: allowing admins to view/create/delete announcements.
- Pending Applications: allowing admins to view the pending applications.
- Hostels: allowing admins to check room availability, and details in each hostel.
- Update Hostelites: allowing admins to allocate/reallocate/deallocate rooms, hostelites’ information & can suspend candidature of any hostelite anytime.
- Settings: allowing admins to modify their personal information or change their password.
- Create/Delete Admin: allowing admins to create another admin or remove a particular admin. (There is no sign-up process for admin, one admin can create another if needed)
Front End Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript
Back End Technologies: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, REST API, Razorpay
Link to the website:
Project demo video: